
Project Idea Contest

On YesYous.com college students have the ability to upload their projects, which can be almost anything, and then their fellow students have the chance to vote on their favorite project. At the end of the time period the three projects with the most votes win some prize money ($1,000 to first, $500 for second, $250 for third). CSUF is currently having a competition so you can see what this is all about.

From looking at all of these projects I can see that many of them are well underway. For example, the CSUF Formula SAE 2012 team is nearly finished. What that team has done so far is build a small race car for another competition that they enter every year. Mind you, this is not a toy, it’s a real race car that can fit an actual person in it and be driven around. I don’t think it’s street legal, it could be, but that isn’t the point. They have created a car and that is a pretty cool project. Not surprisingly, that project is in the lead as of the writing of this post.

Overall, it looks like the site is more about sharing than about the competitions. According to the founder:

Yesyous.com is a professional network for people to list their education, work, accomplishments, degrees, projects, and articles. Through Yesyous a lot of people will get the opportunity to show the whole world their value through their projects, articles, certificates, and awards.

Some of our creative featuress are:

1- Projects for people to list all their projects. Each project consist of ( details, pictures, videos, and PDF files) In this tab you upload everything you worked on [ for example your senior design lets say it is a Robot so you create a project called robot and you add pictures of the robot, videos about it, and PDF blue prints of the robot, and a whole description of the robot ]. this way companies can approach and hire people based on their work instead of the resume only

2- Education connections, this feature is for professors to add their students to keep track of their projects, accomplishments, articles, certificates, and awards even after their graduation. The professors will be always proud of their students and will be looking forward to see their accomplishments

3- Articles: This tab is to add all the articles that you are included in [ for example i had an interview in LA times magazine i copy the URL link and paste it in Articles tab ] This way people will be able to read all my recent news and keep track of it]

4- Certificates & Awards. A lot of people get a lot of those but they keep it at their home or office which make it so hard to see. Now people can scan it and let the whole world see their accomplishments.

It’s an interesting site and, as you can tell, there’s a lot more to it than is contained in this post. Basically, the main power I see in this site is that it can bring together people who like to create things. There is a definite networking aspect to this site and if you are able to make some new contacts than it is worth the effort.

And don’t forget to vote for your favorite CSUF project either!

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