
What You Need To Know To Build A Profitable App @ CSUF Startup Incubator

CSUF Irvine BannerThis event is taking place later today, Wednesday, July 19 at 6pm at the CSUF Irvine campus. If you can make it we would love to see you there! You will need to pay for parking but there’s so much value in this talk that it more than makes up for it. To reserve your https://www.eventbrite.com/e/what-you-need-to-know-to-build-a-profitable-app-csuf-startup-incubator-tickets-35002018981?aff=blog

The trends are clear: More and more people are using their phones to make important decisions about where to go, what to eat, and how they should spend their money. Not only that, your phone can be one of your primary sources for news, entertainment, and even gaming. In other words, if you have a business you must give serious consideration to your mobile strategy or you will be left in the dust by your competitors.

That’s where Dalip Jaggi comes in. He is Principal at Devise Interactive, a strategic app development company specializing in helping companies develop a comprehensive app strategy and in the creation and deployment of apps. In this talk at the CSUF Startup Incubator (Irvine) he will meticulously go through the process that his company has used many times to bring concepts into reality.

But it doesn’t stop there. Dalip will also describe the key metrics that companies must monitor to ensure that their apps are as effective as possible in achieving their missions.

App building is a long process that can yield substantial rewards for the companies that do it the right way. Come to this event to learn how you can set up your company’s app strategy for success and profitability!

Pizza and soft drinks will be served at this event.

We hope to see you there!

[You will need to purchase a parking permit to park on this campus. Information for parking can be found here: http://www.fullerton.edu/irvinecampus/about/campusmap.php]


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