2016 CSUF Business Plan Competition

CSUF Business Plan CompetitionWe are looking for all CSUF Student-Entrepreneurs on campus to enter this competition! Every student with a business idea, no matter what your major or what College you are in, should enter this competition. There is no better way to test out your idea with an impartial group of business experts, professionals, and other student-entrepreneurs like yourself.

If you are interested in entering you need to go to http://bit.ly/CSUFBPC2016 and fill out the questionnaire there to the best of your abilities by March 6, 2016. We’re not necessarily looking for the person or team with the most polished idea but we are looking for innovative, scalable ideas that are plausibly  doable. (FULL FAQ)

You can enter this competition if you are:

  • A current CSUF student of any major in any CSUF college
  • individuals or teams are welcomed (although, teams generally do better)
  • Ideas that can be grown (are scalable) into larger companies are preferred but not necessarily going to win.

Please send us any comments or questions to csufentrepreneurship@fullerton.edu and we will get back to you very quickly. Additionally, if you’d like to talk to a mentor we will definitely put you in touch with one of ours. We are here to help you in this competition and we’re also here to help afterwards as well; this is what we do.

We hope that you enter this competition and if you’d like to sign up to get information about this competition please do so here: http://bit.ly/1QuCH8c

A full set of rules and more details about this competition can be found here: http://bit.ly/CSUFBIZPLANSITE

Sign up for the CSUF Startup Newsletter to keep up-to-date on all the events, news, and everything else we do: http://bit.ly/CSUFStartupSignup


More info on the CSUF Center for Entrepreneurship: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurship


More info on the CSUF Startup Incubator: http://bit.ly/csufstartup

For more of our awesome events please go here: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurEvents

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