Building a For-Profit Mission-Driven Culture @ CSUF Startup Incubator

Jeff Scott will be speaking at the CSUF Startup Incubator this Wednesday at 6pm. We hope to see you there!
Jeff Scott will be speaking at the CSUF Startup Incubator this Wednesday at 6pm. We hope to see you there!

A startup’s culture is its destiny. That is why it is incredibly important for entrepreneurs to set the tone at their startups from day one and do things that strengthen that culture. Jeff Scott is an expert at this in his own right with one of his successes being the creation of Software Anywhere, a for-profit company that develops software solutions that also has a sincere focus on philanthropic activities. Through its high school technology internship program that awards full college scholarships to interns that stay on full time at the company, Scott and his company has had a $10,000,000 positive impact for the local community in less than a decade!

Come listen to his story and to learn how you to can develop a strong culture for your business! Get your ticket here.

Entrepreneurs face many challenges when creating a corporate culture that fosters innovation and retains the talent required to create a successful exit. The Power of 10 is Software Anywhere’s living case study of how companies can achieve for-profit success while giving back at an extreme level. Jeff Scott is going to share his model and approach on how a team of 10 people achieved a goal of providing $10M in community impact in less than 10 years.

Jeff Scott’s Bio:

For Jeff Scott, “embracing life” is not just a lofty ideal; it is his way of life. Jeff has been building innovative tech startups in Orange County since 1995. Software Anywhere, Scott’s mission-driven for-profit software company is proving that companies can incorporate extreme philanthropy, while still achieving their for-profit goals. Scott leads the company as the CEO and lead technical architect developing applications on the platform.

Inspired by the Salesforce Foundation, Scott and his team spend over 33% of their time working on community projects. Software Anywhere has also launched a cutting-edge high school technology internship program that extends to a full college scholarship for students who stay on full-time. December 2016 marks the 10-year anniversary of giving and by the end of July his team of 10 full-time employees will have achieved their most significant milestone yet — providing over $10,000,000 of sustainable community impact since the program started in 2007.

While working hard, Jeff’s “embracing life” mantra also drives him to play hard. He is an accomplished musician and sailing fanatic. With his strong commitment to family, Jeff considers his role as devoted husband and father of three the most rewarding of all.

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