Category: Business Plans

  • Formula SAE Results

    Last week we had a post about the unprecedented cooperation between Mihaylo College and the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences. The partnership was meant to bolster our entry into Formula SAE, a competition to see which university could build the best scaled down race car. Well, it worked brilliantly; up to a point. In…

  • Formula SAE Racing Competition

    You wouldn’t be admonished for thinking there was no comparison between Monaco and Lincoln, Nebraska but, for this week at least, there is one key similarity. An international competition that pits universities against each other to see who can build the best scaled-down race car and the best case for producing and marketing said race…

  • CSUF Team at Regional Business Plan Contest

    On Saturday April 28th Chapman University hosted the 1st annual California Dreamin’ Business Plan Competition. Students from 17 universities participated for prize money totaling $100,000. The competing schools included Chapman, UCLA, CalTech, USC, UC Irvine, Claremont McKenna, Loyola Marymount University, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, U of Utah, U of Houston, U…

  • Business Plan Competition Finalist: Astral Infiniti, LLC

    Even though the 2012 Business Plan Competition is now over I think it is important for you to know about the second place finisher, Astral Infiniti, LLC. Here’s some information about this impressive startup: Astral Infiniti, LLC was founded in response to the growing demand for clean, renewable energy products due to rising fuel costs.…

  • Business Plan Competition Finalist: SP ZAP, LLC

    Yesterday, we did a post revealing some information about one of our Business Plan Competition Finalists. And, as you may know we will be holding our first Business Plan Competition Finals this Friday, April 13th, at 1:30pm in SGMH 1502 (details). There will be some great prizes given away like an iPad and a Xbox…

  • Business Plan Competition Finalist: Tank Skinz

    As you may know we will be holding our first Business Plan Competition Finals this Friday, April 13th, at 1:30pm in SGMH 1502 (details). There will be some great prizes given away like an iPad and a Xbox 360. But the real draw should be the presentations that our finalists will be giving. To whet…

  • Why Do Start-Ups Fail So Often?

    It is common knowledge that many start-up companies are like;y to fail. If you’d like your start-up to beat the odds, there are a few things to keep in mind. Bill Davidow, once the senior vice president of Intel, wrote a book called “Marketing High Technology.” In his book, Davidow talks about what he calls…

  • Event: Young Entrepreneurs Forum

    This is for all students who want to start, have started a business or are entering a Business Plan Competition. The U.S. Small Business Administration in collaboration with the Youth Entrepreneurship Program and the Digital Media Center at Rancho Santiago Community College District are hosting a panel focused on Youth Entrepreneurship on: When:  Wednesday, March…

  • Like, you know, isn’t this a great idea?

    Take any entrepreneurship class or read any entrepreneurship book and you’ll learn about all the elements that make up a business plan and what goes into each element. Many also have advice on how to package the business plan and investor presentation in a way that caters to the investors’ interests. There are also many…

  • Business Model Generation

    The most important part of the planning process in starting a new venture is putting together the business model. A business model communicates all of the activities that affect how the firm competes in the marketplace. Investors want to know how the business will deliver value – to customers, partners, employees, and shareholders. Articulating a…