Category: Why I Major in Entrepreneurship

  • CSUF Entrepreneurship Interview GottaGoFoods

    Founded by two CSUF Entrepreneurship alumni, Rachel Littell and Andrew Ayres, GottaGoFoods is on a mission to create delicious cookies that also help with digestion. In this interview, we talk with Rachel and Andrew about their company, what lessons that they learned at CSUF have helped them launch their company, and the advice they have…

  • Why I Majored in Entrepreneurship at CSUF: Sam Lee '14

    “Wisdom is not a product of schooling, but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it” – Albert Einstein “There is only one road to human greatness: through the school of hard knocks” – Albert Einstein “For without struggle, there is no progress” – Frederick Douglas With these three quotes, I have described our entire Entrepreneurship…

  • CSUF Entrepreneur Success Story: Jennifer Barber '14

    It has been a little under five months since I took my final steps as an undergraduate student at CSUF. The first word that comes to mind when I think of my experience as a Titan is “perfect”. Now, I certainly don’t mean that in a conventional way; we all know that if you have…

  • Why I Major in Entrepreneurship at Cal State Fullerton

    The following was written by Robert Gates who is majoring in Entrepreneurship at CSUF. My name is Robert Gates and I’m currently a senior at California State University, Fullerton studying Entrepreneurship. When I first came to CSUF, I knew that I wanted to own a business but, at the time, I was unaware that the…