Center for Entrepreneurship Director Honored for Service to Cal State Fullerton

CSUF Startup Incubator
Director John Bradley Jackson with the Board for the CSUF Startup Incubator, which is one of the many ways in which the Center for Entrepreneurship is working with CSUF students, faculty, staff, and the community.
From L to R: Dr. Robert Kovacev (Professor, CSUF Entrepreneurship), Robert Koch (Dean, College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics), Jeff Longshaw (Professor, CSUF Entrepreneurship), John Bradley Jackson (Director, Center for Entrepreneurship and Center for Innovation & Professor, CSUF Entrepreneurship), Bob Godlasky (Business Advisor, SCORE), Wally Hicks (President, Affluent Target Marketing), France Helfer (Entrepreneur), Tom Miller (Professor, CSUF Entrepreneurship), Raj Manek (VP International Sales, Vesuki, Inc.), Phillip Stinis (Director of Business Development, Skytypers), Ken Guchereau (Owner, Guchereau Company), Zack Dafaallah (Professor, CSUF Entrepreneurship) & Dr. Mike Ames (Chairman of the Board, CSUF Center for Entrepreneurship).

I have been remiss in posting this but earlier this year Director John Bradley Jackson was honored by California State University, Fullerton for all of the service-oriented projects he does on behalf of the Center for Entrepreneurship. Just to give you a small glimpse into all of the activities Director Jackson is involved in on behalf of the Center for Entrepreneurship here’s a truncated list:

I have probably missed some but I think you get the picture: he’s extremely dedicated to helping students and our community members achieve their entrepreneurial goals. It’s a pleasure working with JJ and I’m sure there are more awards in his future.

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