CSUF Business Plan Competition Boot Camp 2013 Summary


The CSUF Business Plan Competition 2013 is a CSUF competition that aims to help stimulate entrepreneurial activities amongst its students. In an effort to help foment some of this activity we have been hosting some Boot Camps over the last couple of weeks and we will be hosting two more. Both of the remaining Boot Camps will take place on Wednesday, February 6 2013; one will be held on the main Fullerton campus and the other on the CSUF Irvine campus. Here are the details:

Wednesday, Feb. 6 Third Boot Camp (with Raffle Prizes)
Fullerton Campus: 10:00am to 11:00am in SGMH 3230
Irvine Campus: 6:00pm to 7:00pm in rooms 123/124

If you are unable to make it to either of these Boot Camps nor have you attended either of the previous ones that does not mean you cannot enter this year’s competition. All you have to do to enter is sign up for the competition through TITANium (directions found in the GUIDE) by Friday, February 15 and meet the deadlines for all further steps (again, directions and information can be found in the GUIDE). However, it is helpful if you are able to attend one of the upcoming Boot Camps. Here’s a taste of what you can expect.

For more information on this competition’s schedule please refer to this page. More information will follow during the next couple of days and if you want to keep up-to-date please follow us in one or more of the following places:

Also, we will be using the hash tag #CSUFBizPlan2013 to identify all of our posts about the competition.

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