
CSUF Consulting can make you into the Leader you should be!

Leadership is one of the most underrated factors in a business’ success. In our experience, entrepreneurs are willing to buy dozens of books about leadership but they are unwilling to go the extra step needed to thoughtfully craft a leadership strategy for their business.
The video above is a testimonial from the founders of Advance Beauty College about how their company dramatically benefited from their three engagements with CSUF Consulting. For their Leadership project they challenged their CSUF Consulting team to develop a comprehensive plan on how best to navigate the murky waters surrounding the culture and leadership issues they faced after a recent acquisition.
Tam Nguyen, a CSUF MBA grad in his own right, understood that even though he had the necessary skill set to tackle this issue he did not have the bandwidth to do so in a satisfactory manner. Tam is a good leader not because he knows all the answers, no one does, but because he was humble enough to bring on one of our teams to develop a strategy for merging his new acquisition with his existing company.
What Tam and his partner Lihn Nguyen understood was that having a team dedicated to tackling a tough issue would produce better results than going at it alone and that this action would save them a lot of time and money in the long run.
Lihn and Tam benefited a great deal from the CSUF Consulting team and their mentor’s expertise. The team ably presented them with their current state of a misaligned culture and inefficient management structure, gave a vision for their desired management and leadership state, and provided a road map for how to achieve that transformation.
Advance Beauty College had paid professional consultants many more times what they paid for their CSUF Consulting Teams and they ended up much happier with the results from CSUF Consulting. Is it time for your business to get the same results? Can you recommend us to a good candidate for these services? If so, please get in touch with Charlesetta Medina, our Client Project Specialist, by calling her at (657) 278-8243 for more information.
Micha Eizen is an entrepreneur and engineer with decades of experience working on startups and R&D. He has seen a lot; the good, the bad, and the ugly if you will. But one thing has stuck with him above everything else. That thing is what tips the balance between success and failure. What is it?
We can’t give that answer away here! Where would the fun be in that? What we can promise you is that Micha will go into great depth on what that one question is that will make or break your startup. This promises to be a great talk that you don’t want to miss!
Wednesday, August 17, 6:00pm to 8:00pm  @ CSUF Startup Incubator (Placentia)


“Our staff took both personal and professional pleasure in working with our student team. We have started to implement on of their major suggestions and plan to implement many others over the next few months.”

Mike Gancar, Bermad, Inc.

If you are interested in becoming a client of our consulting program please contact Client Project Specialist Charlesetta Medina at (657) 278-8243 to find out how we can tailor a project to fit your business’ needs.

We are here to help you start your business. Click the logo to find out how!

Working on a startup? Have a question about what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Developing the next great piece of technology and you need help figuring out how to bring it to market? You’re in luck because a select group of CSUF Startup Incubator Mentors make themselves available for a couple hours a week to answer questions.

Dave Kinnear is one of our great mentors and he will be available during the times available (check the tickets for availability!). Dave Kinnear is a Business Advisor, Mentor and Executive Leader Coach.  Through his affiliation with Vistage International, Dave convenes and facilitates peer advisory boards of Business Owners, Company Presidents, General Managers and Chief Executives dedicated to becoming better leaders who make better decisions and achieve better results.

The CSUF Entrepreneurship Alumni host a business roundtable on the third Thursday of every month at the CSUF Startup Incubator and all are encouraged to attend these free meetings. Bring your entrepreneurial ideas, challenges, or just sit in and listen!
The CSUF Entrepreneur Roundtable features a fantastic group of mentors with impressive backgrounds so that every participating entrepreneur will get tremendous feedback on what they are working on. Don’t be shy! This can turn out to be one of the most consequential entrepreneurial events you ever attend.

Launching a business can be an extremely difficult thing to do, especially if you haven’t done something like it before. That’s why we are making office hours with CSUF Startup Incubator mentor and speaker Jim Cooper available.

During these office hours, entrepreneurs will have the chance to sit down with experienced startup mentor Jim Cooper for a half an hour to get help with their business. A half an hour may not seem like a long time but Jim is full of ideas and advice and we’re sure that he’ll be able to help your business.

Mr. Cooper is a mentor to some of our Residents at the CSUF Startup Incubator. He is also mentor and pitching coach at PortTech Los Angeles, advisor at Lab Launch Inc., mentor and Lean Startup Panelist for the NSF’s i-Corps CSUPerb STEM program for the CSU system, he mentors and coaches energy and transport related startups at the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator, an Entrepreneur in Residence at PortTech Los Angeles, and a Business Development Advisor at Lab Launch Inc.

#CSUFEntrepreneur #CSUFStartup
For more details on CSUF Entrepreneurship: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurship
For more details on how we help people become entrepreneurs: http://bit.ly/csufstartup

Attend one of our entrepreneur events or sign up for a free mentoring session: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurEvents

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