
CSUF Entrepreneurship’s Charlesetta Medina On Being A Powerful Leader

Charlesetta Medina - CSUF Entrepreneurship

Charlesetta Medina is, above all else, a leader.

She runs her own business, is an Entrepreneur in Residence and Client Project Specialist for CSUF Entrepreneurship, founded the Titan Women Collective to help champion the next generation of female entrepreneurs and leaders, is a mentor to many students, and the mother of three adult children. And this leadership was recognized at the Women’s History Month President’s Reception hosted by CSUF President Fram Virjee and his wife, Julie.

Currently, the story covering Charlesetta’s speech is up on the front page of the Cal State Fullerton website, but I wanted to hone in on a specific part of her talk.

“One of the things I love most about my role in the center is that I have the opportunity to talk with students and encourage them to move through their disappointments and challenges. We’re all going to have them. It’s how you choose to respond that matters.”

She also stressed the importance of saying “yes” to the right things — those that will allow stretching and growth. She is ecstatic that she said “yes” to founding the Titan Women Collective, and is excited about helping empower and mentor Mihaylo’s female entrepreneurs.

“This is where I learned that some of the best lessons come wrapped in sandpaper.”

Medina ended with a challenge to the audience:

“I want to encourage you to get excited about saying “yes” to things that you haven’t even tried. Things that you may not have even thought you could do. What I know for sure is that when you make the decision and you leap, you have the capacity to figure it out.”

That is an amazing ethos and, thanks in large part to Charlesetta’s efforts, that is the kind of positive attitude that the Center for Entrepreneurship exudes. Many of the projects that our students tackle definitely make them stretch. Creating a detailed consulting report for a real-life business isn’t the easiest thing to do but, after visiting with Charlesetta those students are energized to take on the challenge and they do not disappoint.

Titan Women Collective

Titan Women Collective was created to identify and champion female entrepreneurs at Cal State Fullerton. Founded by Charlesetta Medina and Dr. Deborah Ferber, Titan Women Collective helps students through scholarships, workshops, and personal mentoring by members of Titan Women Collective, all of whom are leaders on the job and in the community. For more information on Titan Women Collective, including how to get involved, please contact them at csufentrepreneurship@fullerton.edu.

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