Does your Company need an Operations Tuneup?

Over the years CSUF has consulted for dozens of companies in the area of Operations. Some of these companies were operating pretty smoothly while others needed an outsider’s perspective. But the common theme throughout all of these cases is that every company can benefit from an Operations tune up.
Student Consulting Team - Operations
Let’s face it; you may not have the time to dedicate the resources necessary to improving your operations. Maybe it’s been a few years since the last time you made any changes to your processes or the controls. The last few years you may have dedicated your time to creating cash flow in this tumultuous economy. We understand.

But have you ever wondered how you can improve things in these areas? The good news is that our Student Consulting Teams from CSUF can help put you on the right track.

Under the guidance of a veteran Professor and a seasoned Coach from the private sector, our teams have helped many companies in the area of Operations. During the semester your Student Consulting Team will meet with you and your team to brainstorm strategies to help your business. As the Student Consulting Team members start gathering information they will develop a comprehensive strategy and implementation plan for your business in the area of Operations.
After they have completed their project they will present you with a full report on their findings and give a presentation to you regarding this information. The teams typically dedicate 300 or more hours on a project. That’s an amazing value for the small fee our clients pay.

Recent CSUF client Robert S. Kreisberg, President of Opus Productivity Solutions, said:

“Like many entrepreneurs that have run a successful business, I got locked into the various tasks at hand and did not take the time to review the overall work process. The student consultants forced me to re-think many of the strategies that I had in place.”

Chances are your business would benefit from going through this consulting process as well. We only have a limited number of spaces available and we try to serve in order of receipt. Please complete and return the Request for Consulting application today! If you have any questions regarding the consulting process, please contact Charlesetta Medina today at (657) 278-8243 or by email at for more information. You can also learn more about our program here.

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