On January 22, 2014, the Center for Entrepreneurship will host a panel that will address the pernicious affects that patent trolls can have on small business. The panel will be made up of a range of people who will be able to give attendees a clear view of what patent trolls and other IP trolls can do to your small business and how to combat them. Our Patent Troll event will take place in the O’Brien Center located on the third floor of the Mihaylo Building during the evening and it will be an excellent opportunity to learn something new and network with other businesspeople.
We sincerely hope that you will be able to attend this event but, until then, check out this great video detailing how Drew Curtis, the founder of the revolutionary website fark.com, beat a patent troll.
Check back for more information on Patent Trolls and how to RSVP for this event.
[Note: Drew Curtis does not have any connection to our event.]