
Navigating the Rocky Road of Intellectual Property @ CSUF Startup Incubator July 20

CSUF Startup IncubatorCome join us for this interesting talk about IP with attorney John Connors at the CSUF Startup Incubator in Placentia (120 S Bradford Ave) at 6pm on July 20. If you have or plan on developing any Intellectual Property then you should definitely be at this seminar.

6 Strategies for Avoiding the Pitfalls… and Profiting from your Invention

Sometimes it seems as if inventing your product is the easy part! The tough job comes from avoiding the pitfalls and potholes that rob you of your intellectual property rights.

Arm yourself today with the knowledge to protect and profit from your new app, software, product, or invention by joining patent attorney John Connors for key lessons on navigating the road to success.

6 Key Takeaways from Attending this Talk

Attend this content-heavy discusssion to discover how to:

  1. Own your intellectual property… and make money from it too!
  2. Master the #1 commandment in raising capital for your centure
  3. Differentiate between copyright, trademark, and patents laws so that you pursue legal protection correctly
  4. File a patent application early in order to defend yourself from copycats
  5. Obtain foreign intellectual property rights so that you’re covered outside of the United States
  6. Understand the nuances of the massive change in patent law that puts your invention in jeopardy of challenge

We hope to see you there!

#CSUFEntrepreneur #CSUFStartup

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****Release of Liability****

Wednesday, July 20, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (PDT) Add to Calendar
CSUF Startup Incubator – 120 S Bradford Ave Back of Building, Placentia, CA 92870 – View Map

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