One Question that will MAKE or BREAK your Startup @ CSUF Startup Incubator

Micha EizenMicha Eizen is an entrepreneur and engineer with decades of experience working on startups and R&D. He has seen a lot; the good, the bad, and the ugly if you will. But one thing has stuck with him above everything else. That thing is what tips the balance between success and failure. What is it?

We can’t give that answer away here! Where would the fun be in that? What we can promise you is that Micha will go into great depth on what that one question is that will make or break your startup. This promises to be a great talk that you don’t want to miss!

We hope to see you there on August 17!

More about Micha:

Through my own Engineering Consulting Company (Kimandia Inc), I work with established companies, Startups, & individuals, helping them to win in the marketplace by reducing their R&D costs & cutting their costs of product design, batteries, parts, processes, labor, machines; in many different kinds of production lines locally & globally.

I lead my clients to win a greater sales chunk in the global market due to unique processes which I developed.

17 patents, 7 pending applications produced in the last two years for various customers. I treasure decades of experience and proven winning expertise in many aspects of the industrial world. I have a proven history of consecutive successful completion of projects in a variety of fields, technologies, & industries.

My Technical services scope is multidisciplinary, and interconnecting many technological areas with proven expertise.

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