Launching a business can be an extremely difficult thing to do, especially if you haven’t done something like it before. That’s why we are making office hours with CSUF Startup Incubator mentor and speaker Jim Cooper available.
During these office hours, entrepreneurs will have the chance to sit down with experienced startup mentor Jim Cooper for a half an hour to get help with their business. A half an hour may not seem like a long time but Jim is full of ideas and advice and we’re sure that he’ll be able to help your business.
To make an appointment, please click the registration button above and pick the half hour timeslot that works the best for you.
(One note of caution: Help provided during office hours is limited to the time available during office hours and to get the best results out of this time we strongly recommend that you have a more permanent mentor, like the ones that are attached to our Residents at the CSUF Startup Incubator.)
Jim Cooper is the founder of Conscientia Research. As the founder of Conscientia Research, his main mission can be described by the following:
“Our goals are to make your business successful and competitive by employing research to understand markets, manage risk through intelligence analysis, and provide you with recommendations for decision making, so you don’t have to rely on assumptions about how your market works.”
Mr. Cooper is a mentor to some of our Residents at the CSUF Startup Incubator. He is also mentor and pitching coach at PortTech Los Angeles, advisor at Lab Launch Inc., mentor and Lean Startup Panelist for the NSF’s i-Corps CSUPerb STEM program for the CSU system, he mentors and coaches energy and transport related startups at the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator, an Entrepreneur in Residence at PortTech Los Angeles, and a Business Development Advisor at Lab Launch Inc.
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