2014 CSUF Business Plan Competition Finals – Videos
A little over a month ago we held the 3rd annual CSUF Business Plan Competition and we have had the videos of the three presentations up on our YouTube channel within a week of the Finals. But we didn’t have it on the blog… until now! Okay, so this isn’t a huge reveal at this…
2014 CSUF Business Plan Competition Finals
Each year the CSUF Business Plan Competition seems to get bigger and better and 2014 was no different (Although the 2013 and 2012 Finals were awesome as well). In addition to three great teams presenting, more on them later, we had an engaged audience comprised of students, faculty, staff and friends of the University. The…
CSUF Business Plan Competition Sign Up Extended
Due to some problems we had with our TITANium Community we have decided to extend the sign up for this competition through Sunday, March 9 at 11:59:00pm PST. Since this date is after our original due date for the Business Concept Questionnaire we are also extending the deadline for that to Sunday, March 9 at…
CSUF Business Plan Competition – Boot Camp Highlights
#CSUFBizPlan2014 The CSUF Business Plan Competition is under way (SIGN UP NOW if you are a CSUF student). If you are unfamiliar with how we operate this competition please take a look at this highlight video from our first Boot Camp for 2014 and don’t forget that our final Boot Camp will take place on…