Have You Signed Up For The CSUF Startup Competition Yet?
Calling all current CSUF students: Applications for the CSUF Startup Competition are due this Saturday! Application link: http://bit.ly/csufstartupapplication The application is simple, some would say painless, and the rewards can be huge Our goal with this competition is to challenge all CSUF students to actively think about the problems they encounter or see others dealing…
CSUF Startup Competition Flier – Applications Due This Saturday!!!
Sigma Upsilon Mu’s 8 Hour Business Challenge Was a Success!
Sigma Upsilon Mu, a co-ed entrepreneurship fraternity, had their 8 Hour Business Challenge on Sunday September 23. So what exactly is this? How the 8 Hour Business Challenge Works Students registered themselves to compete in teams or individually (who were then put into teams). For the first half of the day competitors were coached by…