Did you know our very own CSUF Startup Incubator staff member, Phillip Stinis, has started a global movement called the 52 Hike Challenge, which empowers you to take a personal journey to discover the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits gained through hiking? This virtual challenge can be taken by anyone, and now our campus has adopted it as part of their Corporate Wellness Program!
If you would like to learn more, visit www.52HikeChallenge.com
If you are a CSUF Staff or Faculty member, come to their Wellness Program kick-off on campus. Details below:
Phillip’s Story
Phillip was 80lbs overweight, to make a positive lifestyle change he
took to the trails to get in shape, eventually losing and keeping off
the weight by progressing his hiking capabilities. After going through
a difficult divorce, Karla was inspired by Phillip to begin her own
hiking journey; challenging herself to a hike per week as a means to
get in shape. Once her challenge was complete, Karla couldn’t believe
the positive impact that the outdoors had on her mind, body and soul.
Motivated by their own personal accomplishments, the pair created the
52 Hike Challenge to encourage others to begin their own hiking
challenge and journey. In over 2.5 years, over a quarter million images have been
shared under their hashtags on Instagram alone from participants of the challenge.
The stories from finishers have been so impactful, they started offering
more opportunities for people to take on the challenge, including facilitating city wide efforts
and corporate wellness programs.
Take the story of Elizabeth Labor, from San Diego as an example: “My friend and I from work decided to start going hiking once a week after work. We are middle school teachers in San Diego and wanted to enjoy the vast range of hikes in our own backyard and relieve some stress after the workday. Our hikes together slowly turned in to more teachers joining us, and now we have an official hike club at work. A group of teachers gets together at least once a week after work to try new trails in the area, or stick to our old favorites. This group of women kept me constantly motivated because we all came together with a range of backgrounds and physical abilities, and we were able to connect over a shared interest that I truly believe became a shared passion for all of us. We became support systems for each other on the trails and in the classroom.”
Teachers aren’t the only one’s interested in hiking, college students enjoy spending time outdoors too! Here’s a story from a California State University Student, Rachyl Matis who took the challenge: “I am a 23 year old college student that had no idea how much the 52 Hike Challenge would influence my life. The 52 Hike Challenge was the first time I have ever set a new years resolution/ goal, that I am actually passionate about, and completed! It was such a fulfilling moment when I finished my 52nd hike on the last week of 2015. I am thankful for the dedication this challenge required of me, and the constant encouragement along they way I received from friends, family and other challengers on social media.
Hiking brought a sense of community and encouragement into my life. Not only did hiking create a space for me to meet new people, but also gave people who wouldn’t normally hike an opportunity to join in on the fun! The excitement of hiking with people who had never been before was a way for me to share my passions with others.”
Students are encouraged to sign up on the website at www.52HikeChallenge.com
and get in on the fun as well!
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