A CSUF Startup Incubator Resident Launches!

aidtreeBen Yip is the Resident from the CSUF Startup Incubator who has now launched the alpha platform for his company Aidtree and he is aiming to revolutionize philanthropy! It’s a great story and we hope there will be a lot more to come from him in the near future. You can read more about Aidtree, see upcoming events and office hours, and other ways to get involved in the CSUF Entrepreneurship community in this week’s CSUF Entrepreneurship Insider.

I’m looking forward to the start of the semester in a couple of weeks because with the metaphorical ringing of school bells chiming across campus once again comes a lot of activity. Students will fill classrooms once again, CSUF Consulting projects will start shortly thereafter, and student clubs will get into full swing. The beginning of every semester is an exciting time because you don’t know what exactly will happen over the next four months but you can be certain that a lot will happen.

Four months is a long time in the life of a startup as well. One such startup, a former Resident of the CSUF Startup Incubator, is Aidtree. Last week, we published a story explaining how Aidtree’s goal is to revolutionize philanthropy through the purchase of coupons. The founder, Ben Yip, is a passionate member of the community and saw many worthy causes struggle to stay afloat for a lack of funds. He knew that causes like student clubs or local schools could accomplish so many more great things if only they had more resources.

One day he had an epiphany: Why not create a virtuous circle connecting businesses, individuals, and worthy causes through the sale of coupons on an easy-to-use online platform? On Aidtree’s alpha platform you can now purchase coupons to some of the establishments you already frequent and the really cool part is that up to 90% of the amount you pay for a coupon goes to a worthy cause.

The platform is simple to use. All you have to do is go onto the Aidtree platform, pick a cause (the Center for Entrepreneurship is currently listed and many more causes, including student clubs at CSUF, will be added over time), browse the available coupons (Titan Shops currently has a number of fantastic ones available), pick the ones you want to purchase, and complete your order. The price you pay for each coupon is usually half of the value of the coupon so if you purchase a $10 coupon you will only pay $5.

What Ben is attempting to accomplish with the Aidtree platform is the creation of a virtuous circle. Causes receive a continuous flow of funds from the purchase of coupons from businesses who have a desire to create a closer relationship with their customers who get a discount from the purchases they would normally make while also supporting the causes that are near and dear to their hearts. It’s a win-win-win scenario.

It’s exciting being a part of a startup like Aidtree and you too can join Aidtree by adding your business or cause to the platform or by purchasing coupons there. I look forward to a time when many more worthy causes have the resources they need and I believe Aidtree can help make that into a reality.


John Bradley Jackson
Director, CSUF Center for Entrepreneurship
& CSUF Startup Incubator

Creativity is the life blood of business and our consulting teams are filled with students brimming with creative solutions in a wide range of areas. Now is the perfect time to inject some creative solutions into your business by working with one of our CSUF Consulting teams.

To find out how we can tailor a project to fit your business’ needs contact our Client Project Specialist, Charlesetta Medina at (657) 278-8243 or to request an application email entrepreneurship@fullerton.edu.

We look forward to working with you!

CSUF Entrepreneur Speaker Series

Learn the keys to making a successful investor pitch at this seminar hosted by Director John Bradley Jackson. John, known as JJ to his students, will help attendees understand how to make a convincing investment pitch. He will explain the basics of how to develop your investment deck and how to approach potential investors. Attendees are welcomed to ask questions and if you cannot attend please forward all of your questions to csufentrepreneurship@fullerton.edu and we’ll see how many we can get JJ to answer.
Starting a business or a key new initiative in a company is a difficult thing to do because there are so many variables involved. But executive, professor, and mentor Marc Pakbaz has developed a strategy for keeping everything straight during those tumultuous times and he will be sharing his strategy with attendees at this event. If you are attempting to or thinking about starting a business but are overwhelmed by everything then this event can help you get sorted and ready to accomplish your dreams!

Mentor Office Hours @ CSUF Startup Incubator

Experts from our community including lawyers, CPAs, marketers, and professors have office hours every week open to everyone in our community. Click on the links below to reserve some time with them.

Get Involved with the CSUF Entrepreneurship Community

We help entrepreneurs get from concept to reality in six months. We are here to help you start your business. Click this link to learn how we can help you today!
Whether you are a professional who gets satisfaction from being a mentor to someone who wants to work in a startup as a team member or are interested in investing in some of our thriving startups; we want to hear from you!
To join our large professional network you don’t have to be an alumni but we need your expertise and hard work to help make Northern Orange County (especially Fullerton) a strong startup community! Please take a minute to tell us about yourself so we can properly welcome you into the CSUF Startup Community.
#CSUF #CSUFEntrepreneur #CSUFStartup
For more details on CSUF Entrepreneurship: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurship
For more details on how we help people become entrepreneurs: http://bit.ly/csufstartup

Attend one of our entrepreneur events or sign up for a free mentoring session: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurEvents

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