A Tale of Two Startups – Event @ CSUF Startup Incubator

Creativity and innovationJohn Connors has an immense amount of experience working with startups and in this talk at the CSUF Startup Incubator on Wednesday, March 8 at 6pm, he will go into depth about his experiences with two startups in particular.

One startup failed after three years and more than $30 million in loans from venture capitalists

Another startup was forced into bankruptcy by venture capitalists that had made over $5 million in loans to the company. But this company went on to be publically traded with over $400 million in annual revenues and is expected to close shortly on an acquisition of a company with over $1 billion in annual revenue.

John Connors was a director during the early stages of both of these startups and he has learned some valuable lessons about dealing with venture caitalists. This Tale of Two Startups illustrates what entrepreneurs need to keep in mind when seeking loans from venture capitalists and other creditors.

You can read more about John Conors here.

Register for this talk on Wednesday, March 8 at 6pm at the CSUF Startup Incubator here.


For more details on CSUF Entrepreneurship: http://business.fullerton.edu/Center/Entrepreneurship/

For more details on how we help people become entrepreneurs: http://business.fullerton.edu/Center/Entrepreneurship/Incubator

For more details on how CSUF Consulting can help businesses thrive: http://business.fullerton.edu/Center/Entrepreneurship/Consulting

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