
An Introduction to Watson for Entrepreneurs @ CSUF Startup Incubator

161123 IBM WatsonIBM’s Watson is an extremely powerful tool that can be harnessed by entrepreneurs to make key insights into the minds of their customers, provide clarity to complex business scenarios, and much more. But how do you get started?

At this talk at the CSUF Startup Incubator, we will host one of IBM’s engineers who works with businesses to solve some of their hardest problems. This talk will be an introduction on how entrepreneurs can utilize Watson to bring clarity to a complex market that can befuddle the best entrepreneurs.

Event Date: Wednesday, March 22 from 6pm to 8pm

Location: CSUF Startup Incubator, 120 S Bradford Ave, in Placentia (we are located in the back of the building)

To Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/an-introduction-to-watson-for-entrepreneurs-csuf-startup-incubator-tickets-32399699373?aff=csuf


For more details on CSUF Entrepreneurship: http://business.fullerton.edu/Center/Entrepreneurship/

For more details on how we help people become entrepreneurs: http://business.fullerton.edu/Center/Entrepreneurship/Incubator

For more details on how CSUF Consulting can help businesses thrive: http://business.fullerton.edu/Center/Entrepreneurship/Consulting

Attend one of our events for entrepreneurs or sign up for a free mentoring session: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurEvents


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