Category: Education

  • Hunan University visits CSUF and

    A delegation of MBA students from Hunan University visited CSUF a couple of weeks ago. John Bradley Jackson, the Director for the Center for Entrepreneurship and a Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Cal State Fullerton, delivered a seminar to our visitors focusing on the state of entrepreneurship in America, California and in Orange County…

  • BUAD 410 – Starting and Managing a Small Business

    Most of the students who are reading this are probably business majors and, as business majors, I’m sure that your non-business major friends have asked you what it takes to run a business. You explain the basics to them as best you can but there’s no way you are able to go into enough depth…

  • Mihaylo Magazine Fall 2013 – and Bolzmann

    As many of you know, this semester we are running a pilot Student-led Business Consulting program in our Management 461 class (Entrepreneurial Management) in conjunction with, a business incubator. Six of’s resident companies are our clients this semester and the early results are great. They are doing so good, in fact, that this…

  • The Perfect Pitch for Lean Entrepreneurs Event

    Our friends at the Paul Merage School of Business at UC Irvine are hosting an amazing event aimed at helping entrepreneurs craft the perfect pitch for their business. If you don’t think this is important think again because a polished pitch is what helped Daniela Bolzmann ’10 start WeDeliver in Chicago. Being able to boil…

  • Top Online Resources for Entrepreneurs

    This list is in no way meant to be an exhaustive one but a place to discover new insights into entrepreneurship and business in general. By all means, if you have another blog or website that you frequently go to for inspiration and guidance then add it into the comments. Also, we will be updating…

  • Business Idea Workshop

    After working at the Center for Entrepreneurship for a while I realized that a lot of people just didn’t know where to start in the whole new venture process. And, unfortunately, without any knowledge about what all the necessary steps in the process of launching a business were, many people with good ideas decided that…

  • The Importance of Financial Literacy

    Everyone knows that the literacy rate is not where it should be but people do not usually stop to consider the problems associated with a lack of financial literacy. Think about it, if you do not understand the differences between a savings account and a CD then you will probably be met with some financial…

  • Why Your Twenties Matter

    Once upon a time it was typical for a college graduate to secure a high-paying job, buy a home, find your life partner and begin a family all by the time you were in your mid to late twenties. This bit of conventional wisdom seems to have expired about a decade ago. Indeed, Millennials are…

  • "Welcome Back" Message for Students from CSUF Business

    I know it may be the second week of the new semester but it’s really not too late to say “welcome back.”

  • Management 461 – Fall Semester 2013

      The people who take Management 461 (Entrepreneurial Management) are entrepreneurs or, at the very least, people who are or will become leaders in the professional world. If you’re a CSUF student and are reading this then you are probably our target audience: LEADERS. What is special about the Fall 2013 semester of Management 461…