
Category: Events

  • Legal Advice Office Hours @ CSUF Startup Incubator Tuesday July 19

    Every business has legal questions and getting answers to these questions is usually expensive. That’s why we are happy to announce that we will have lawyer David Van Sambeek at the CSUF Startup Incubator in Placentia (120 S Bradford Ave.) in for office hours on Tuesday, July 19 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Reserve some time…

  • Navigating the Rocky Road of Intellectual Property @ CSUF Startup Incubator July 20

    Come join us for this interesting talk about IP with attorney John Connors at the CSUF Startup Incubator in Placentia (120 S Bradford Ave) at 6pm on July 20. If you have or plan on developing any Intellectual Property then you should definitely be at this seminar. 6 Strategies for Avoiding the Pitfalls… and Profiting…

  • CSUF Entrepreneur Roundtable @ CSUF Startup Incubator

    CSUF Entrepreneur Roundtable @ CSUF Startup Incubator on Thursday, July 21 in Placentia starting at 7:30pm. Great forum for entrepreneurs to talk about the issues they are facing and receive feedback from other entrepreneurs and mentors on their different options. The CSUF Entrepreneurship Alumni host a business roundtable on the third Thursday of every month…

  • Entrepreneur Mentor Office Hours with Dave Kinnear

    From 5pm to 8pm this Thursday Dave Kinnear, veteran CSUF Entrepreneurship mentor and Executive Coach, has open office hours. This is the perfect opportunity to talk with a great business mind. Working on a startup? Have a question about what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Developing the next great piece of technology and you…

  • Office Hours with Director Jackson @ CSUF Starutp Incubator

    Director Jackson will have office hours at the CSUF Startup Incubator in Placentia (120 S Bradford Ave) this Wednesday from 2pm to 5pm. Walk-ins are welcomed! John Bradley Jackson is the Director for the CSUF Startup Incubator, Director for the CSUF Center for Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and marketing professor, author of multiple books, an entrepreneur in…

  • The Entrepreneur's Guide on how to Increase your SEO Rankings

    The Entrepreneur’s Guide on how to Increase your SEO Rankings with Jason Khoo at the CSUF Startup Incubator this Wednesday at 6pm at the CSUF Startup Incubator. We hope to see you there! Search engines are the primary resource consumers use when making buying decisions. This is a revolutionary change in the way that products…

  • CSUF Entrepreneurship is an Advocate for Entrepreneurs

    Summer is fully underway and while I’m sure many people are taking much deserved vacations I know that many of us are hard at work on our businesses, startups, and many other projects. This is one of the things about small business owners and entrepreneurs: We’re always working on improving. Improving our businesses. Improving ourselves.…

  • How to: Investor Pitch

    Earlier this year, Director Jackson hosted a seminar at the CSUF Startup Incubator about how to give an effective investor pitch. There are of course many different components that go into giving a good pitch and using this road map will help you when developing yours. It’s about an hour but well worth your time.…

  • Workshop: How to Market Your Small Business For Bigger Sales … On a Shoe String Budget!

    Learn The Techniques The Most Successful Small Businesses Are Using To Achieve More Than You Thought Possible! Are you getting all the leads you need to hit your company’s growth potential?   Would you like to be able to charge more for your products and services?  Do your prospects understand why you’re so good at…

  • Startup Business Development Office Hours this Friday

    Launching a business can be an extremely difficult thing to do, especially if you haven’t done something like it before. That’s why we are making office hours with CSUF Startup Incubator mentor and speaker Jim Cooper available. During these office hours, entrepreneurs will have the chance to sit down with experienced startup mentor Jim Cooper…