
CoVID-19 Help for Organizations

Vivid Abstract

Yesterday, I received this email from the Gianneschi Center for Nonprofit Research here at Cal State Fullerton that contains a ton of great links and resources on how to best deal with the COVID-19 shutdown for people, nonprofits, and businesses and wanted to share it with you.

CoVid 19 Updates for the Social Sector:
Governor’s Office Updates
Orange County Updates
Updates from CDC
What Does CoVID19 Mean for Nonprofits?
California Association of Nonprofits Letter To Policy-Makers
What Does CoVID-19 Mean for Workers
Employers Information on Workshare 
Public Assistance Needs
For Food Assistance (or to help with Food Assistance)
Utilities: Southern California Edison and SoCal Gas are suspending disconnections. Click on the links for more information about each company’s unique response.
School Closure Information Charter Broadband will offer free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription and at any service level up to 100 Mbps.
Resources from Early Childhood- Zero to Three
Information For Museums
We will be sending more information as it comes on our LinkedIn channel, so follow us for information.
Thanks to the Placentia Collaborative, the Fullerton Collaborative, CA Association of Nonprofits, CA Association of Museums, Second Harvest, and others who provided information.

And here are some other links with information and resources for dealing with the COVID-19 shutdown that I have found:

You asked, we’re answering: Your top coronavirus questions

How to keep coronavirus fears from affecting your mental health

CSUF Coronavirus Updates

15 Questions About Remote Work, Answered (Harvard Business Review)

A Guide to Managing Your (Newly) Remote Workers (Harvard Business Review)

Rethinking the Coronavirus Shutdown (Wall Street Journal Editorial)

All the virtual concerts, plays, museums and other culture you can enjoy from home

How the Virus Got Out

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