CSUF Startup Incubator Resident Rad Toy Store Launches!

Rad Toy StoreWe could not be more proud of the progress that CSUF Startup Incubator Resident Iris Dorn has made with her business, Rad Toy Store. We were introduced to her by Professor Jeff Longshaw and she quickly impressed us all with her intellect and drive. It was an easy decision accepting her into the CSUF Startup Incubator back in June and that decision has already paid off!

Iris has launched Rad Toy Store as a pop-up shop at the Yorba Linda Farmer’s Market where you can find her inspiring the next generation to learn about STEM/STEAM through her collection of fun and educational toys and projects. Her line of educational toys and products are a great addition to any kid eager to learn more about science, technology, engineering, math, or the arts. Honestly, her products are a great addition to anyone’s education!

This is a huge step for her on her entrepreneurial journey and goes perfectly in line with our lean startup-based entrepreneurial philosophy and expert mentoring by Bob Godlasky. Her pop-up shop is a perfect example of a minimum viable product; a small scale experiment to prove her concept, find her market, and refine her processes before making a larger investment. Iris has bigger plans, much bigger, for Rad Toy Store and this is just one indicator that she is on her way to success!

Another aspect of a successful entrepreneur that Iris exemplifies is her passion for her mission. Iris knows firsthand the importance of STEM/STEAM education since she recently earned a master’s degree in physics from CSUF and is raising, with her husband Robert, two girls to have the same passion she has for knowledge and curiosity. Looking at it from that perspective, it is no wonder why Iris has decided to take the path that she has; it’s simply an extension of her being.

Doubtlessly due to her infectious personality and passion for creating cool things, the Orange County Business Journal recently wrote a piece on her titled A RAD Idea (there is a paywall).

You should keep a close eye on this CSUF Startup Incubator Resident and if you share her passion for learning and teaching kids about STEM/STEAM check out her website or her Facebook page to find out when her next pop-up shop date is and to look through all her products. Until then, check out this video of a robotic arm that Rad Toy Store sells.

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