Events and Office Hours this week at CSUF Startup Incubator

adam-rasheed-csuf-startup-incubatorThis Wednesday at 6pm at the CSUF Startup Incubator we will be hosting a talk by User Interface (UI) Designer Adam Rasheed where he will explain the essentials of how to create a powerful website called: Design Strategies for a more Profitable Business. Honestly, if your website is an important part of your business then it needs to be designed to keep users engaged and to help usher them through the sales funnel. From this talk, users will have a better understanding of how to accomplish those goals.

Office hours are an important part of our efforts to aide our community of entrepreneurs and professionals. During office hours, members of our community have the ability to sit down with our expert mentors and tackle some of their most pressing issues or develop strategies for taking advantage of golden opportunities.

On Monday from 1pm to 4pm, CFO Andrew Carroll will be there to help people tackle their business finance issues and he is also an expert on creating a freelance network that helps entrepreneurs get more done effectively. Andrew is a perfect mentor for anyone starting out with an idea looking to leverage the vast array of freelance expertise available in the market today, especially in the area of finance.

Professor of Entrepreneurship Jeff Longshaw will hold office hours on Tuesday from 3:30pm to 6pm. Jeff has had a distinguished business career and  is one of our primary startup experts at CSUF. In fact, he was the professor that helped one of our recent CSUF Startup Incubator Residents, Iris Dorn, launch her business Rad Toy Store. He can help you too!

Executive coach Dave Kinnear has office hours on Thursday from 5pm to 8pm. Dave has coached executives of all kinds of businesses for decades through his practice at Vistage International and has helped them remedy thousands of issues; he can help you too.

All of these office hours are free and open to the public at the CSUF Startup Incubator. Click on the links above for more information and to reserve your time with our mentors this week.

We hope to see you there!

#CSUFEntrepreneur #CSUFStartup

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