Tag: office hours

  • Office Hours with Startup Specialist Jim Cooper

    Later today, Jim Cooper will have office hours at our CSUF Startup Incubator in Placentia. This is the perfect time for entrepreneurs to talk with Jim about any issues they are facing and I wouldn’t be surprised if those who attend come out of their quick session with Jim with a great idea or two…

  • Happy Holidays from CSUF Entrepreneurship

    This is the last CSUF Entrepreneurship Insider of 2016 and we want to thank everyone who contributed to the CSUF Entrepreneurship community! Without all of you we could not have accomplished nearly as much as we did. 2016 is winding down and we sincerely hope that you are finding some time to spend with family…

  • CSUF Entrepreneurship Students Launch 360 Photo Business

    About a week ago we posted CSUF Entrepreneurship Success Story: Students Launch 360 Photography Business. There are many stories like this at CSUF Entrepreneurship and the reason why this is the case is because we have an active community of entrepreneurs and innovators who work together to achieve great things. We want you to be…

  • Legal Advice Office Hours next Tuesday, October 18 @ CSUF Startup Incubator

    Lawyer David Van Sambeek will be at the CSUF Startup Incubator to help business owners, entrepreneurs, and everyone else who has a legal issue with their business at his office hours next Tuesday, October 18, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. These office hours will be held at the CSUF Startup Incubator in Placentia (120 S Bradford…

  • Events and Office Hours this week at CSUF Startup Incubator

    This Wednesday at 6pm at the CSUF Startup Incubator we will be hosting a talk by User Interface (UI) Designer Adam Rasheed where he will explain the essentials of how to create a powerful website called: Design Strategies for a more Profitable Business. Honestly, if your website is an important part of your business then…

  • Entrepreneur Mentor Office Hours @ CSUF Startup Incubator

    Join CSUF Startup Incubator Dave Kinnear on August 11 to talk about your business. Suggestion: Discuss a specific issue you are facing in your business when coming to these office hours. The more specific the better! This tends to help clarify things. Working on a startup? Have a question about what it takes to be…

  • Entrepreneur Mentor Office Hours @ CSUF Startup Incubator

    Dave Kinnear is back for more office hours on Thursday, August 4! If you haven’t visited him to discuss your ideas you are missing out. He has a great deal of experience and a lot of connections that can help you in many different fields. Working on a startup? Have a question about what it…

  • Entrepreneur Mentor Office Hours @ CSUF Startup Incubator

    Dave Kinnear has been a mentor in our program for a long time now; he loves talking about entrepreneurship and business. And he has realized a great deal of success as well! Click here to reserve some time to talk business with Dave on Wednesday, July 28 and you won’t regret it! Working on a…

  • Startup Business Development Office Hours @ CSUF Startup Incubator

    This Friday we welcome Jim Cooper in for office hours at the CSUF Startup Incubator. Click here to reserve some time with him on Friday, July 22 to talk about your business, your ideas, or to just talk about whatever. Jim is a cool guy and great things seem to happen when people connect with…

  • Entrepreneur Mentor Office Hours with Dave Kinnear

    From 5pm to 8pm this Thursday Dave Kinnear, veteran CSUF Entrepreneurship mentor and Executive Coach, has open office hours. This is the perfect opportunity to talk with a great business mind. Working on a startup? Have a question about what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Developing the next great piece of technology and you…