
From Idea to Impact: CSUF Entrepreneurship’s Course Will Help You Launch Your Business Today!

Sign up for the “From Idea to Impact” course here: https://go.csufentrepreneurship.com/idea-to-impact-home

Discover the power of social entrepreneurship with our latest interview!

In this insightful video, CSUF Entrepreneurship sits down with Victor Macias, the brilliant mind behind the “From Idea to Impact” course. This groundbreaking course, offered for FREE, is designed to empower aspiring entrepreneurs to make a real difference in the world.

Get ready to embark on a journey that will transform your entrepreneurial vision into a force for positive change.

In this interview, Victor shares the inspiration behind the course, its core principles, and how it guides entrepreneurs as they launch their very own social enterprises. You’ll gain a sneak peek into the seven modules that cover everything you need to know about launching, scaling, and creating lasting impact with your social enterprise.

Whether you’re passionate about environmental sustainability, social justice, or any other cause close to your heart, “From Idea to Impact” will equip you with the strategies and tools you need to turn your ideas into reality.

Ready to take the first step toward becoming a changemaker? Sign up for the course today at https://go.csufentrepreneurship.com/idea-to-impact-home and join a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the world.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to ignite your passion for social change and entrepreneurship. Hit that “Subscribe” button and stay tuned for more inspiring interviews and valuable insights from CSUF Entrepreneurship!

Social Entrepreneurship Course: https://go.csufentrepreneurship.com/idea-to-impact-home

CSUF Entrepreneurship: https://business.fullerton.edu/engagement/Entrepreneurship

CSUF Consulting for existing businesses: https://business.fullerton.edu/engagement/Entrepreneurship//Consulting

Work with the best entrepreneurial coaches to help you go from concept to launch: https://business.fullerton.edu/engagement/Entrepreneurship//Incubator

CSUF Entrepreneurship Events: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurEvents

CSUF Entrepreneurship Blog: https://csufentrepreneurship.com/

A leading voice for entrepreneurial growth, learning and action

CSUF Entrepreneurship aims to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with the resources, education, and mentorship necessary to develop their skills and launch successful ventures. Through various programs and initiatives, the Center for Entrepreneurship encourages entrepreneurship that promotes social responsibility and ethical business practices. The Small Business Institute, for instance, enables students to consult with small businesses and apply their classroom learning in a real-world setting. Similarly, student-led organizations provide a platform for students to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from successful entrepreneurs, and hone their entrepreneurial skills. With the support of CSUF Entrepreneurship and its extensive network of alumni and volunteers, CSUF Entrepreneurship is well-positioned to foster the next generation of entrepreneurs who are committed to making a positive social impact.