There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to raising money for a startup and that’s understandable since the vast majority of entrepreneurs never end up raising a dollar from anyone outside of their close network of family and friends. Companies that receive Angel money are rare and the universe of companies that receive funding from Venture Capitalists is much smaller than that.
That is why we are excited to be hosting a talk this Wednesday at 6pm at the CSUF Startup Incubator in Placentia by serial entrepreneur and Angel Investor Pete DeAngelis. As you will read in this edition of the CSUF Entrepreneurship Insider, Pete has successfully raised over $7.5M for companies he has worked with and is an active investor himself.
Attendees will get the chance to ask Pete any questions that they have. And, if you ask me for a recommendation as to what question to ask, how about: “How realistic is Shark Tank?” I have my own opinions about the realism of that show but I’m curious to find out what a veteran entrepreneur/investor like Pete has to say about it.
Pete DeAngelis has raised more than $7.5M for companies he has been an executive or board member for and he is also on the Investment Committee for the Cove Fund. In other words, when he talks about how to finance your business you should listen.
This Wednesday at 6pm at the CSUF Startup Incubator in Placentia (reserve your seat for this talk on our Eventbrite page) Pete will lead a conversation that covers a range of topics that are absolutely critical for every entrepreneur looking to raise funds. He will give his tried and true advice on how to give an effective pitch to investors and talk about how to manage the due diligence process that happens afterwards.
Attendees of this talk will get information that only equity investors know and they will get the opportunity to ask questions of and network with angel investors. We hope to see you there!
John Bradley Jackson |
CSUF Entrepreneur Speaker Series |
What Investors are Looking for in Startups with Serial Entrepreneur and Investor Pete DeAngelis – 6pm on May 3 @ CSUF Startup Incubator (Placentia) |
Mentor Office Hours @ CSUF Startup IncubatorExperts from our community including lawyers, CPAs, marketers, and professors have office hours every week open to everyone in our community. Click on the links below to reserve some time with them.
Today, Monday, May 1 from 4pm to 7pm: How to Become a Better Internet Marketer |
Tuesday, May 2 from 3:30pm to 6:00pm: How to Start a Business with Professor Longshaw |
Thursday, May 4 from 5pm to 8pm: Office Hours with Executive Coach Dave Kinnear |
Tuesday, May 30 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm: CSUF Entrepreneur Round Table |
CSUF Entrepreneurship News |
CSUF Startup Incubator |
CSUF Consulting |
Creativity is the life blood of business and our consulting teams are filled with students brimming with creative solutions in a wide range of areas. Now is the perfect time to inject some creative solutions into your business by working with one of our CSUF Consulting teams. To find out how we can tailor a project to fit your business’ needs contact our Client Project Specialist, Charlesetta Medina at (657) 278-8243 or to request an application email entrepreneurship@fullerton.edu. We look forward to working with you! |
The CSUF Entrepreneurship Ecosystem |
For more details on CSUF Entrepreneurship:
http://business.fullerton.edu/Center/Entrepreneurship/ For more details on how we help people become entrepreneurs:
http://business.fullerton.edu/Center/Entrepreneurship/IncubatorFor more details on how CSUF Consulting can help businesses thrive: http://business.fullerton.edu/Center/Entrepreneurship/Consulting Attend one of our events for entrepreneurs or sign up for a free mentoring session: Knowledge @ CSUF Entrepreneurship Video Series: |