The Future of Business with Andrew Carroll at CSUF Startup Incubator
Last Wednesday, it was our pleasure to welcome Andrew Carroll in to speak about the future of business. Andrew is a CSUF alumni, a freelance CEO, and a member of the CSUF Entrepreneurship Board of Directors. His talk was fascinating and hit on some major topics, especially how the way we work is dramatically changing…
The Future of Business
[This is our newsletter from Director Jackson. If you would like to receive this information (no more than once a week) in your mailbox please sign up for our list by going HERE] This Wednesday at 6pm we welcome CSUF Entrepreneurship Board Member Andrew Carroll to give a talk titled “Why I Quit My Job!”…
Why I Quit My Job! @ CSUF Startup Incubator
Register now for the Wednesday, June 8 at 6pm at the CSUF Startup Incubator in Placentia talk by Andrew Carroll! How an epiphany about the revolutionary changes coming for how we do work led a well respected executive to quit his job Andrew Carroll is a CFO and a member of the CSUF Center for…
CSUF Entrepreneurship Board Member Andrew Carroll on Critical Mass Radio Show
Being a Board Member for the Center for Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. We expect a lot from our Board Members frequently calling on them for their sage advice and unique perspectives. Our Board Members’ service is absolutely critical for the Center for Entrepreneurship because it is thanks to this guidance and…