Last Wednesday, it was our pleasure to welcome Andrew Carroll in to speak about the future of business. Andrew is a CSUF alumni, a freelance CEO, and a member of the CSUF Entrepreneurship Board of Directors. His talk was fascinating and hit on some major topics, especially how the way we work is dramatically changing to more of a freelance economy.
Andrew’s talk focused on how you can take advantage of these changes and we are happy to share his talk below. You can click on the picture below to watch the video and below that is his PowerPoint. And please also check out Andrew’s website at cfoandrew.com and on Twitter @cfoandrew to see more of his cutting edge thought leadership and to get in touch with him as your next freelance CFO.
LIVE on #Periscope: #CSUFStartup Andrew Carroll on the future of business https://t.co/tllGbz9a5P
— CSUF Entrepreneurship (@NewVenturesCSUF) June 9, 2016
Here’s a better quality version from our YouTube channel.
And here’s Andrew’s PowerPoint.
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