Tag: business plan

  • The Next Big Entrepreneur

    What it is The Next Big Entrepreneur is an opportunity for young aspiring entrepreneurs to take their business idea or active business to the next level. This is your opportunity to show us why your business or business idea is ready to expand or launch. Young aspiring entrepreneurs from all around California are tasked with…

  • Trevor's Journal: Formula SAE Lincoln

    During June, Trevor Smith, a recent graduate from Cal State Fullerton, represented his alma mater in an international competition in Lincoln, Nebraska called Formula SAE. As you can tell by the name this is a racing competition. Schools from all over the world developed small race cars for this competition. While most of the competition…

  • Formula SAE Racing Competition

    You wouldn’t be admonished for thinking there was no comparison between Monaco and Lincoln, Nebraska but, for this week at least, there is one key similarity. An international competition that pits universities against each other to see who can build the best scaled-down race car and the best case for producing and marketing said race…

  • Event: Young Entrepreneurs Forum

    This is for all students who want to start, have started a business or are entering a Business Plan Competition. The U.S. Small Business Administration in collaboration with the Youth Entrepreneurship Program and the Digital Media Center at Rancho Santiago Community College District are hosting a panel focused on Youth Entrepreneurship on: When:  Wednesday, March…

  • Business Plan Competition

    You find yourself today on the wrong side of the line. The side you are on is the side where you are still just a student taking classes, doing homework, going to work; you know, the usual stuff. On the other side of the line is where the entrepreneurs stand. Those brave souls who have…