CSUF Startup Incubator Resident Profiled in OC Business Journal
Recently, CSUF Startup Incubator Resident eStockTIME was featured in the OC Business Journal. The subtitle of the article is “One Recent Startup Led By Four 70-Somethings” so you would be forgiven if you didn’t think this was a tech-related startup, but that is not the case. The founders of eStockTIME are working on an app…
CSUF Consulting is the Creative Solution
Creativity is the lifeblood of business and a CSUF Consulting team is the perfect way to inject some creativity into your business. All businesses can benefit from a fresh perspective and our teams are adept at finding solutions where most others would not have even looked. And please make sure to sign up for the…
What can CSUF Business Students do for your Company?
For more than two decades, CSUF Consulting Teams have been helping business owners like you develop successful business strategies that have increased profits. We have an extraordinary record of success winning many awards and producing extraordinary results for our clients. As a client you will be matched with a student consulting team, professor, and a…
Can Your Company Benefit from a CSUF Consulting Team?
A CSUF Business Consulting Team can help your business in many ways, including: Develop in-house talent Retain valuable employees Improve company culture And much more… Our teams of students work with a time-tested process that has been used to help over 3,100 clients. With the support and supervision of an experienced professor and mentor from…
CSUF Entrepreneurship Client Recruiting Season is now Open
Every business has, or at least should have, a leader. This is the person who is responsible for the company’s strategy, who makes the tough decisions, who is the person that is ultimately responsible for the business’ success or failure. And this person, at least the good ones, know that they cannot do it alone.…
CSUF Business Consulting in Orange County Sparks Innovation
The Center for Entrepreneurship’s Small Business Institute has been at the forefront of innovation in the Orange County market for decades. Every year, we place student teams with local companies to help spur business innovation in marketing, sales, finance, operations, and leadership. These teams of mostly graduating seniors are paired with mentors from the private…
CSUF Students Help Companies Develop Better Leadership Practices
In the Leadership and Human Resources Student Consulting Program, our goal is to understand the client’s business and then use that understanding along with an objective lens to help address the leadership and HR challenges the client is facing. It is our goal to hear from the client that the student consulting team’s recommendations were…