CSUF Entrepreneurship Client Recruiting Season is now Open

CSUF Business ConsultingEvery business has, or at least should have, a leader. This is the person who is responsible for the company’s strategy, who makes the tough decisions, who is the person that is ultimately responsible for the business’ success or failure. And this person, at least the good ones, know that they cannot do it alone. They realize that the people who are working for the company are assets.

But can you honestly say that you are getting the most out of your assets? Do you know a leader who thinks he is but is really squandering a lot of that value? That’s where we come in. Our program has done hundreds of consulting cases dealing with organizational development issues.

Time and time again, we’ll get a client who will, after spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on self help books and do-it-yourself programs will finally relent and engage with one of our teams. They almost always come away from one of our semester-long consulting engagements happy because they now have a more effective strategy for properly aligning their organization so as to get the most value out of all their assets.

What our program offers is a semester-long project completed by a team of Student Entrepreneurs, their professor, and a mentor from the professional world that will create a thorough leadership strategy for any business. Our program has a long history of success, which is punctuated by our many National Consulting Awards.

Here is a perfect example of our excellent consulting program:

Our recruiting seasons for the 2015 Fall Semester is open and we are still looking for a couple more clients for our program. In particular, we are looking for entrepreneurs who are wise to know that they can improve their leadership strategies.

It’s an amazing thing to see and be a part of and if you have any questions, comments or inquiries about our program please contact Client Project Specialist Ms. Charlesetta Medina, either at cymedina@fullerton.edu or (657) 278-8243. She is very passionate about this program and will happily answer all of your questions. If she is not immediately available please leave her a message with your contact information and she will get back to you as soon as possible.

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