Tag: John Bradley Jackson

  • CSUF Center for Innovation

    The Daily Titan’s Cesar Gamboa has published a nice piece about our new center called the Center for Innovation. Spearheaded by Director John Bradley Jackson and Chairman of the Board Mike Ames, the Center for Innovation (CFI) will serve as a business incubator to the extended CSUF community. The first outpost for the CFI will…

  • CSUF Entrepreneur Success Story – Brian De La Rosa

    I graduated from CSUF in June 2006 and, before I could enjoy some downtime, I quickly began working in the marketing department at Disney Consumer Products. After four years at Disney and then a couple more years jumping around at other entertainment companies, I finally took the plunge to start my own business and left…

  • CSUF Student-led Business Consulting Program Wins National Competition

    Congratulations are in order for two of our hardworking Student-led Business Consulting Teams! Professor John Bradley Jackson’s Undergraduate team took home the national title and Dr. David Leibsohn’s MBA team took home second place in their respective categories at the Small Business Institute‘s National Project of the Year Competition. To put this into perspective, these…

  • How Entrepreneurial is Orange County?

    John Bradley Jackson, Director of the CSUF Center for Entrepreneurship, reviewed the findings of a recent study about Entrepreneurship in Orange County. The presentation happened at the November 20, 2013 meeting of SCORE’s Orange County Chapter. The local SCORE chapter is the nation’s largest and most productive chapter of the SBA funded organization which is…

  • Hunan University visits CSUF and FastStart.studio

    A delegation of MBA students from Hunan University visited CSUF a couple of weeks ago. John Bradley Jackson, the Director for the Center for Entrepreneurship and a Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Cal State Fullerton, delivered a seminar to our visitors focusing on the state of entrepreneurship in America, California and in Orange County…

  • BUAD 410 – Starting and Managing a Small Business

    Most of the students who are reading this are probably business majors and, as business majors, I’m sure that your non-business major friends have asked you what it takes to run a business. You explain the basics to them as best you can but there’s no way you are able to go into enough depth…

  • The Importance of Financial Literacy

    Everyone knows that the literacy rate is not where it should be but people do not usually stop to consider the problems associated with a lack of financial literacy. Think about it, if you do not understand the differences between a savings account and a CD then you will probably be met with some financial…

  • Social Media Marketing in the United States

    On Tuesday, August 20, Center for Entrepreneurship Director John Bradley Jackson had the pleasure to present in front of the Chinese delegation of the Zhejiang Commerce Bureau. Mr. Jackson gave a lecture focused on the role that social media plays in business in the United States. Mr. Jackson spoke on such topics as: How to…

  • Center for Entrepreneurship Director Jackson talks with local Chinese Media

    Recently, Director John Bradley Jackson and Field Case Coordinator Charlesetta Medina did a press event for a group of Chinese media and businesspeople. The purpose of the event is to spread the word about California State University, Fullerton’s Business Consulting Program. Fortunately, the press event went very well and it looks like the Center for…

  • CSU Fullerton Business Cases Place Nationally

    Back in February, we ran a story on this blog titled “CSUF Student Entrepreneurs Place in National Business Consulting Competition.” It’s a good post, you should read it. On March 27, California State University, Fullerton ran a story on these same students titled: “National Honors Add to Business College Record.” Here’s a bit of it:…