Tag: leadership

  • Uber's Management by Committee: Good or Bad Idea?

    From Yahoo! Finance: “According to three sources familiar with the matter, Uber will be run by a committee consisting of 14 executives, all of whom directly reported to Kalanick before he announced on Tuesday he would be taking time away from the company following recent scandals and the death of his mother. “Whether Uber’s new…

  • Last Chance to work with CSUF Consulting this Semester

    We almost have all of the clients we need for CSUF Consulting this semester but there are still a couple of openings for businesses that are looking for fresh insights and creative solutions. Also check out the events and office hours we have scheduled in this edition of the CSUF Entrepreneurship Insider. “Any business that…

  • Startup Leadership @ the CSUF Startup Incubator

    On Wednesday, October 21, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Dave Kinnear will give a talk titled “Startup Leadership” at the CSUF Startup Incubator in Placentia. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO RSVP PLEASE CLICK HERE. Dave Kinnear is a Executive Leadership Coach through his affiliation with Vistage International. He has also been a mentor…

  • CSUF Entrepreneurship Client Recruiting Season is now Open

    Every business has, or at least should have, a leader. This is the person who is responsible for the company’s strategy, who makes the tough decisions, who is the person that is ultimately responsible for the business’ success or failure. And this person, at least the good ones, know that they cannot do it alone.…

  • CSUF Students Help Companies Develop Better Leadership Practices

    In the Leadership and Human Resources Student Consulting Program, our goal is to understand the client’s business and then use that understanding along with an objective lens to help address the leadership and HR challenges the client is facing. It is our goal to hear from the client that the student consulting team’s recommendations were…

  • Event: Sales Symposium and Career Fair @ CSUF

    Did you know that 50% of Undergraduate Business Majors begin their careers in sales? Our partners at the CSUF Sales Leadership Center, invite you to an informative evening to learn more about various industries and the job opportunities available for students interested in exploring a professional sales career. Professional salespeople play a critical role in…

  • CSUF Student Consulting – Leadership

    Leadership is one of the most underrated factors in a business’ success. In our experience, entrepreneurs are willing to buy dozens of books about leadership but they are unwilling to go the extra step needed to thoughtfully craft a leadership strategy for their business. What our program offers is a semester-long project completed by a…

  • CSUF Business Consulting

    THE FACTS: The CSUF Student Consulting Program fields approximately 70 consulting projects every semester Projects can cover a range of fields including: Marketing, Operations, Finance/Accounting and/or Leadership/HR Our projects have placed in the Top 10 in the National Small Business Institute‘s Student Business Consulting Competition 26 times since 1991 – LINK All undergrad Student Consulting…

  • How to be a Good Boss

    What follows is a post from Dr. Atul Teckchandani, one of the great professors teaching Entrepreneurship at CSUF.   by  harmonica pete  One of my favorite reads is the ‘You’re the Boss’ blog. Recently, one of their bloggers, Jay Goltz, published a post titled “Do you really want to be a business owner?” that is worth a…

  • NEEDED: Mentors for Entrepreneurship Courses at CSUF

    The semester has already started and we still need some mentors. Mentors are the type of people you consult with to find out the right way to do things. For most of our classes this means the mentor will be helping out his or her team tackle business issues for a local company. For a…