What Entrepreneurs Need to Know about Social Media @ CSUF Startup Incubator
Jessica Joy Reveles knows social media and how harnessing its power can help drive your brand and sales. Most Americans see the news first, get recommendations on products, and communicate with each other through one of the many different social media platforms that are out there. Has your business taken advantage of this communications revolution?…
CSUF Alumni to give Digital Marketing Talk in La Mirada
James and Ryan Fratzke have been kind enough to give talks about digital marketing to our students and at the CSUF Startup Incubator; and they are featured in our Knowledge @ CSUF Entrepreneurship video series as well. On Wednesday, May 17 they will be giving a talk in La Mirada that will help business owners…
Pick Your Social Media Platforms Wisely – Knowledge @ CSUF Entrepreneurship
Marketing today is much more involved than it has ever been. There are so many different social media platforms that are around that entrepreneurs can quickly become overwhelmed if they try to have an active presence on too many of them. That is why smart entrepreneurs take stock of how much time they can devote…
Seven Principles for Digital Marketing Success @ CSUF Startup Incubator
Are you struggling with your Digital Marketing plan? Marking Experts Ryan and James Fratzke can help. As Strategic Account Managers the Fratzke Brothers work with some of the nations largest brands. Join us on Wednesday October 26th as they share their Seven Principles for Digital Marketing Success. They will share proven tactics for Website &…
What Startups Need to Know about Social @ CSUF Startup Incubator
On August 3 at the CSUF Startup Incubator, Jessica Joy Reveles knows social media and how harnessing its power can help drive your brand and sales. Most Americans see the news first, get recommendations on products, and communicate with each other through one of the many different social media platforms that are out there. Has…
Online Marketing Internship Position @ Youngry
Position Title: Online Marketing Internship Company Description: Youngry is a media company informing, inspiring and elevating young & hungry minded entrepreneurs to thrive. We celebrate the entrepreneurial lifestyle and believe anyone can live out their dreams. Youngry.com was created by Ankur Garg (COO of top fitness brand Shredz and over ten years of leadership experience…
CSUF Entrepreneurship Success Story: James Parr '15
James Parr ’15 is currently finishing his double major in Entrepreneurship and Marketing at Cal State Fullerton and he is also currently working for one of our Student-led Business Consulting clients: Green Thumb. As you might expect, the project that James and his group did for Green Thumb directly led to his being hired by…
CSUF Campus Authors Recognized
And one of those authors was none other than Director John Bradley Jackson. Last year, Director Jackson published Socially Close: Social Media Marketing for Small Business, which is about how businesses should be using social media in their marketing campaigns. Here’s a description of the book from Director Jackson’s website: Frustrated with social media at…
CSUF Business Consulting – THRA Client Testimonial
After leaving careers in the US Navy and aerospace industry and closing an aerospace engineering business that I was plank owner of (that’s Navy talk for one of the founding members, more or less) after twelve years of operation, I was left with a legacy spinoff called The Horse Race Advantage. How did this happen?…
Yelp – The Bad
As discussed in our previous post titled Yelp – The Good, Yelp has proven itself to be a powerful marketing tool that can help businesses promote their products and services. While it would be great for any business to have a five-star average rating on Yelp, the reality is that getting negative reviews is unavoidable.…