The Executive Breakfast this Wednesday

I’ve written about Classic Gentleman before but, to recap, they are a student group that is dedicated to bringing students, executives, and entrepreneurs together so that they can network and do some pretty cool things together. This Wednesday they are going to have one of these networking events at the IHOP in Placentia from 9am to 11am. Details are below and you can sign up here.

IHOP Placentia & Classic Gentleman Present: “The Executive Breakfast”

We hare teaming up with IHOP Placentia to host a monthly breakfast mixer at their establishment. Classic Gentleman will provide a chance for both students & executives to come together for a series of networking breakfasts.

Our teams will be kicking this off starting on 9/28 & continue to host them every final Wednesday of the month. For this event, anyone who purchases a “Come Fly with Us” ticket will have this FREE breakfast included.

Welcome to ALL CSUF & FJC Students!

Sponsors: WSEP, APAC, Sigma Upsilon Mu, & CSUF Center of Entrepreneurship

The Executive Breakfast

#CSUFEntrepreneur #CSUFStartup

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