
The One Question that can MAKE or BREAK your Startup [VIDEO]


Find out what that question is and how every entrepreneur should tackle it in this talk at the CSUF Startup Incubator by engineer consultant extraordinaire Micha Eizen!

Most Wednesdays at 6pm, the CSUF Startup Incubator hosts the Startup Speaker Series. For a full list of our events for entrepreneurs please go here: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurEvents

#CSUFEntrepreneur #CSUFStartup

Micha Eizen: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaeizen

How we can help your business: http://bit.ly/TitanConsulting

How we can help you develop your business concept: http://bit.ly/csufstartup

Sign up for the CSUF Startup Newsletter to keep up-to-date on all the events, news, and everything else we do: http://bit.ly/CSUFStartupSignup

More info on the CSUF Center for Entrepreneurship: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurship

List of events for entrepreneurs: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurEvents

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