
A New Semester Begins at CSUF

center-for-entrepreneurship-csuf-startup-incubatorA new semester begins at Cal State Fullerton! Take a look at what is in store in this edition of the CSUF Entrepreneurship Insider.

For most of Cal State Fullerton the spring semester begins today and there are many things to look forward to during the semester at CSUF Entrepreneurship.

Over the next couple of weeks our students will begin their consulting projects for local businesses. These projects are tremendous opportunities for our students to apply what they learn in the classroom to real world situations and they offer a great value to our clients as well. We are still recruiting clients for this semester and if you know of a company that could benefit from working with a team of CSUF students please get in touch with Client Project Specialist Charlesetta Medina at (657) 278-8243 or at entrepreneurship@fullerton.edu.

At the CSUF Startup Incubator we have many events and office hours already scheduled and there are more in the works. This week startup specialist Jim Cooper will have office hours on Friday and this Wednesday I will be hosting a seminar titled How to Pitch to an Investment Panel. We have some big things in the works for the CSUF Startup Incubator that we will be announcing in the near future!

For current CSUF students we will be hosting the CSUF Business Plan Competition. Many CSUF students have great business concepts but they are trepidatious about taking the leap into entrepreneurship and the CSUF Business Plan Competition is a powerful way to help them take that first step. More details about how to enter will be available shortly but, for now, you can view our post on last year’s competition.

As the semester unfolds I will make sure to keep you up-to-date on all of the interesting and inspiring events and stories that happen in the CSUF Entrepreneurship community.


John Bradley Jackson
Director & Professor
CSUF Center for Entrepreneurship, CSUF Consulting,
& CSUF Startup Incubator

CSUF Consulting

Creativity is the life blood of business and our consulting teams are filled with students brimming with creative solutions in a wide range of areas. Now is the perfect time to inject some creative solutions into your business by working with one of our CSUF Consulting teams.

To find out how we can tailor a project to fit your business’ needs contact our Client Project Specialist, Charlesetta Medina at (657) 278-8243 or to request an application email entrepreneurship@fullerton.edu.

We look forward to working with you!

CSUF Entrepreneur Speaker Series

How to Pitch to an Investment Panel with Director Jackson

Learn the keys to making a successful investor pitch at this seminar hosted by Director John Bradley Jackson. John, known as JJ to his students, will help attendees understand how to make a convincing investment pitch. He will explain the basics of how to develop your investment deck and how to approach potential investors. Attendees are welcomed to ask questions and if you cannot attend please forward all of your questions to csufentrepreneurship@fullerton.edu and we’ll see how many we can get JJ to answer.CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR TICKET TO THIS EVENT ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25 AT 6PM AT THE CSUF STARTUP INCUBATOR (PLACENTIA)

Creating your Formula for Startup Success

Starting a business or a key new initiative in a company is a difficult thing to do because there are so many variables involved. But executive, professor, and mentor Marc Pakbaz has developed a strategy for keeping everything straight during those tumultuous times and he will be sharing his strategy with attendees at this event. If you are attempting to or thinking about starting a business but are overwhelmed by everything then this event can help you get sorted and ready to accomplish your dreams!CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR TICKET TO THIS EVENT ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 AT 6PM AT THE CSUF STARTUP INCUBATOR (PLACENTIA)

Mentor Office Hours @ CSUF Startup Incubator

Experts from our community including lawyers, CPAs, marketers, and professors have office hours every week open to everyone in our community. Click on the links below to reserve some time with them.

Today, Monday, January 23 from 4pm to 7pm: Office Hours with Internet Marketing Expert Jason Khoo

Tuesday, January 24 from 3:30pm to 6:00pm: Office Hours with Entrepreneurship Professor Jeff Longshaw

Thursday, January 26 from 5pm to 8pm: Office Hours with Executive Coach Dave Kinnear

Friday, January 27 from 10am to 4pm: Office Hours with Startup Expert Jim Cooper

Tuesday, January 31 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm: Office Hours with Business Lawyer David Van Sambeek

Thursday, February 16 from 7:30pm to 10:00pm: CSUF Entrepreneur Roundtable

Get Involved with the CSUF Entrepreneurship Community

CSUF Startup Incubator

Want To Be Part of The Exciting CSUF Startup Community?

Whether you are a professional who gets satisfaction from being a mentor to someone who wants to work in a startup as a team member or are interested in investing in some of our thriving startups; we want to hear from you!
To join our large professional network you don’t have to be an alumni but we need your expertise and hard work to help make Northern Orange County (especially Fullerton) a strong startup community! Please take a minute to tell us about yourself so we can properly welcome you into the CSUF Startup Community.
For more details on CSUF Entrepreneurship: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurship
For more details on how we help people become entrepreneurs: http://bit.ly/csufstartup

Attend one of our entrepreneur events or sign up for a free mentoring session: http://bit.ly/CSUFEntrepreneurEvents

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