
CSUF Entrepreneurship Success Story: Students Launch 360 Photography Business

The SphereHero team getting ready to take a photo at a networking event. Photo taken by Classic Gentleman.
The SphereHero team getting ready to take a photo at a networking event. Photo taken by Classic Gentleman.

A group of CSUF students sat around a table staring at a strange looking orb in the middle. One of them shouted “Smile!” and pressed a button on his phone. This was the first photo that the SphereHero team took since getting their 360 degree camera.

SphereHero started as a group of students in a marketing internship who all realized they had a passion for entrepreneurship. After a suggestion from their mentor, the students set their minds on collecting funds for their first camera. After a couple of months of strategizing, researching, and fundraising, the camera was purchased and the team set out to blaze a trail in this budding industry – the 360 technology industry.

“Being part of a brand new industry can be really difficult and scary at times because there’s no precedent to look back on,” says President John Martinez. “But it can also be really exciting because we’re constantly looking for the magical formula that can really make this take off.”

The team is comprised of CSUF students primarily majoring in business, with the majority of them involved in the co-ed entrepreneurship fraternity, Sigma Upsilon Mu. Using a mix of what they learned from the fraternity, classes, and the marketing internship they took together, the team had an excellent understanding of what it takes to start a business and build it up from scratch. They even have a stuffed bear mascot named Hero that they hide in their photos for viewers to look for.

(Click on the image below and see if you can find Hero! Hint: Hero wears a red shirt.)

The founding team consists of Lorenzo Santos (Advertising, ’17), Juan Juy (Marketing, ’16), Anthony Ramirez (Marketing, ’18), John Martinez (Entrepreneurship, ’19), Itzayana Leal (Marketing, ’18), Huy Phan (Entrepreneurship, ’17), and Max Lee (Marketing, ’17).

“The best part about SphereHero is that everyone is in it for the passion for entrepreneurship,” said Director of Marketing Lorenzo Santos. “We’re all willing to work late nights and weekends to contribute to making this company grow.”

To this day, SphereHero has performed services for co-working spaces, churches, private events, and even prestigious hotels such as Hotel Irvine and Wyndham Hotel (click to go to their image gallery for Hotel Irvine).

If you have a business and would like a “See Inside” virtual tour for your Google Listing, SphereHero can get the job done quickly and professionally at an affordable rate. They will also take photos of private events such as birthday parties, seminars, and even weddings that you can post on websites, blogs, and even Facebook. Book your appointment on their website at www.SphereHero.com and their Facebook page for samples of their work, www.facebook.com/SphereHero.

Lorenzo Santos ’17 submitted material for this post

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