Tag: Sigma Upsilon Mu

  • Sigma Upsilon Mu’s 8 Hour Business Challenge Was a Success!

    Sigma Upsilon Mu, a co-ed entrepreneurship fraternity, had their 8 Hour Business Challenge on Sunday September 23. So what exactly is this? How the 8 Hour Business Challenge Works Students registered themselves to compete in teams or individually (who were then put into teams). For the first half of the day competitors were coached by…

  • CSUF Student Club Kicks Off New School Year

    The CSUF Entrepreneurship community is really an agglomeration of many different communities and one of the vital components of our community are our student clubs. Currently, we have three with the oldest being the Entrepreneur Society and the youngest being Student Innovation Collective (SINC). In the middle is Sigma Upsilon Mu (SUM), the entrepreneurship fraternity…

  • 8 Hour Business Challenge

     Update (September 20, 2017): Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled. Sigma Upsilon Mu is planning on rescheduling this event for the spring 2018 semester. This Saturday one of our entrepreneurship clubs, Sigma Upsilon Mu, will be hosting a competition called the 8 Hour Business Challenge. Student-entrepreneurs competing in the 8 Hour Business Challenge will be…

  • CSUF Entrepreneurship Success Story: Students Launch 360 Photography Business

    A group of CSUF students sat around a table staring at a strange looking orb in the middle. One of them shouted “Smile!” and pressed a button on his phone. This was the first photo that the SphereHero team took since getting their 360 degree camera. SphereHero started as a group of students in a…

  • 8 Hour Business Challenge Winners

    CSUF Entrepreneurship co-ed Fraternity Sigma Upsilon Mu recently held their 8 Hour Business Challenge to encourage entrepreneurial activities from university students. It was an awesome event that tested the limits of what a group of students could accomplish entrepreneurially in, you guessed it, eight hours. Briefly, this competition asks of its competitors to come up…

  • Sigma Upsilon Mu's 8 Hour Business Challenge

    Here’s a great competition for CSUF students that is run by CSUF students, namely our entrepreneurship co-ed fraternity Sigma Upsilon Mu, called the 8 Hour Business Challenge. I can try to explain what this competition is to you but they have already done so on their event page (which is where you need to register…

  • Sigma Upsilon Mu's 8 Hour Business Challenge at Cal State Fullerton

    Sigma Upsilon Mu is the most active student group dedicated to entrepreneurship on the Cal State Fullerton campus and just a few days ago they held a great competition called the 8 Hour Business Challenge. This competition was open to university students from all across the area and required an amazing amount of work from…