Getting New Things Done with CSUF Entrepreneurship

In this edition of the CSUF Entrepreneurship Insider (sign up to get this newsletter delivered to your email box every week) Director John Bradley Jackson highlights the new book by Professor David Obstfeld: Getting New Things Done. Getting new things done requires people to work together towards a common goal and for businesses that means developing new ideas and creative solutions. The CSUF Consulting program is designed to help business do this and we are currently accepting applications from businesses now for the fall semester. Read ahead to find out how to apply.

Getting New Things Done is CSUF Entrepreneurship Professor David Obstfeld’s new book published by Stanford University Press. In this book, David lays out a framework for how new things are accomplished and he cites many examples of this process in action. It’s a thoroughly researched work and it definitely has value for anyone who wants to have a better understanding of how innovation happens.

One of the key insights from David’s book is that innovators do not operate in a vacuum. Innovations need support to take hold and that support can come in many different ways. Take, for example, the CSUF Consulting program. We work with dozens of businesses every semester to help them develop innovative solutions for their toughest problems. Whether the difficulty lies in their marketing plan, operations, accounting systems, or their company’s culture, our teams of students are able to create actionable solutions for our clients.

We are recruiting clients for the fall semester right now and if you or a business that you know could benefit from working with one of our CSUF Consulting teams please give Project Client Specialist Charlesetta Medina a call at (657) 278-8243 for more information on how one of our consulting teams can help you get new things done.


John Bradley Jackson
Director and Professor
CSUF Center for Entrepreneurship, CSUF Consulting,
& CSUF Startup Incubator

CSUF Consulting

Creativity is the life blood of business and our consulting teams are filled with students brimming with creative solutions in a wide range of areas. Now is the perfect time to inject some creative solutions into your business by working with one of our CSUF Consulting teams.

To find out how we can tailor a project to fit your business’ needs contact our Client Project Specialist, Charlesetta Medina at (657) 278-8243 or to request an application email

We look forward to working with you!

CSUF Entrepreneurship Speaker Series

How to Profit from your Intellectual Property – Wednesday, August 9 at 6pm – CSUF Irvine Campus

Marketing to Millennials – Wednesday, August 23 at 6pm – CSUF Irvine Campus

Start and Grow your Business the Right Way – Wednesday, September 13 at 6pm – CSUF Irvine Campus

Building a Strong Culture from Startup to Mature Company – Wednesday, September 20 at 6pm – CSUF Irvine Campus

Mentor Office Hours @ CSUF Startup Incubator

Experts from our community including lawyers, CPAs, marketers, and professors have office hours every week open to everyone in our community. Click on the links below to reserve some time with them.

Thursday, August 10 from 5pm to 8pm: Office Hours with Executive Coach Dave Kinnear

Tuesday, August 22 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm: How to Start a Business with Professor Longshaw

Tuesday, August 29 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm: CSUF Entrepreneur Round Table

CSUF Entrepreneurship News

The CSUF Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

For more details on CSUF Entrepreneurship:
For more details on how we help people become entrepreneurs:

For more details on how CSUF Consulting can help businesses thrive:

Attend one of our events for entrepreneurs or sign up for a free mentoring session:

Knowledge @ CSUF Entrepreneurship Video Series:

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