GSEA Student Entrepreneur Competition

GSEA Winner - Student Entrepreneurship ContestEO Orange County is hosting its very first Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA), the world’s premier business competition for undergraduate college students across the globe. GSEA connects the world’s emerging student entrepreneurs with peers, mentors and the opportunity to learn and grow through a worldwide competition.

The Orange County EO Chapter is looking for students from Cal State Fullerton to apply for the preliminary GSEA competitions at the Center Club in Costa Mesa on August 14th and September 24th. One finalist from Orange County will be rewarded with in-kind and cash prizes ($5,000 value) and will go on to compete at the National Competition with an all-expenses-paid trip to Chicago in November!

Not only will students get a chance to compete with entrepreneurial students on a national level, they will present their business concepts to a panel of established OC entrepreneurs and business owners during the preliminary judging phase or “Shark Tank” portion of the competition. Select EO OC members will also mentor and guide each competitor towards the National Competition in November.

To be a part of the GSEA competition, apply here. Application criteria:

  1. The student must be an undergraduate student at a recognized University or College during the 2012 academic year and enrolled in school at the time of application.
  2. The student must be the owner, founder or controlling shareholder of their company and principally responsible for its operation.
  3. The student’s company must have been in business for at least the last six consecutive months, and the business must be a for-profit business.
  4. The student must have not been the GSEA winner in the past and/or were not one of the five finalists for the previous year’s GSEA Global Finals competition.

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