Help Promote Water Safety – Here’s How


Candace Thome, a social entrepreneur who founded Swim Brayv and an alumnus of Cal State Fullerton, has an important message to share about water safety:

Become an advocate for water & swim safety by taking the Swim B.R.A.Y.V. Pledge!

We at Swim Brayv, make it our duty to educate humans all over the world about water safety. Our mission is to help reduce drowning over time. Drowning is a leading cause of accidental death globally; substantially for children 14 or under. So what can we do about it?

At Swim Brayv we believe that the issue of drowning is largely due to humans lack of knowledge and communication about water safety. Therefore, our volunteer team of cause ambassadors, mer-models and more, work together to spread awareness about water & swim safety. The hope is to positively influence other citizens to also become advocates for water & swim safety.

More advocates, brings more awareness. More awareness helps lead to less drowning accidents and a safer world! So, become an advocate with us by taking the Swim B.R.A.Y.V. Pledge. Visit www.SwimBrayv.Org for more info on how you can take the pledge and advocate, donate or volunteer!

BE aware - You could save a life by being aware of your surroundings.
Rest - Swimming is fun, but rest when you get tired.

ACT fast - If you see someone struggling act fast to save a life.

YOU can help - Advocating can help lower drowning statistics over time.
VICTIMS didn't expect it - Drowning can happen to anyone, don't become a victim.

Being a social entrepreneur is a special calling, one that Cal State Fullerton alumnus Candace Thome heeded. If you’re interested in becoming a social entrepreneur please get in touch (see below) and we can discuss how to help you make that happen.

CSUF Entrepreneurship

We are dedicated to helping the next generation of entrepreneurs develop the skills that they need to compete locally and globally. The CSUF Entrepreneurship program does many things, including: consulting projects where students serve up fresh strategies to actual businesses, competitions for students from middle school to grad school, helping entrepreneurs go from concept to launch, frequent seminars and office hours for entrepreneurs and professionals, and much more. Interested in becoming a part of the CSUF Entrepreneurship community? Reach out to us at for more information! CSUF Entrepreneurship depends on the support of the community, please go here to donate.

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