Lawyer David Van Sambeek will be at the CSUF Startup Incubator to help business owners, entrepreneurs, and everyone else who has a legal issue with their business at his office hours next Tuesday, October 18, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. These office hours will be held at the CSUF Startup Incubator in Placentia (120 S Bradford Avenue) and are completely free.
Event info is below and make sure to reserve time with David to make sure that you can speak with him.
David Van Sambeek is an attorney for Wellman & Warren, LLP and he has graciously agreed to hold office hours at the CSUF Startup Incubator regularly for our Residents, students, and everyone else in the CSUF Entrepreneurship community. If you are interested in asking David some questions about the law (see his areas of expertise below) please make sure to click the register button above and pick a time that works for you. (If there are no times available we probably have other times available on another day.)
(One note of caution: Help provided during office hours is limited to the time available during office hours and to get the best results out of this time we strongly recommend that you have a more permanent mentor, like the ones that are attached to our Residents at the CSUF Startup Incubator.)
David has represented 100s of companies as outside retained counsel. He currently represents clients headquartered in America, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Malaysia, Brazil, the EU, and Ukraine. Historical representation of clients has included organization, launch, financing, securities matters, franchising, day-to-day operations, contract drafting, TM and Trade Secret protection, employment matters, joint ventures, mergers/acquisitions, and regulatory issues unique to each industry. He has launched companies/subsidiaries in foreign countries including Mexico, Canada, Ecuador, Columbia, Chile, Peru, Ukraine, Russia, Philippines and various EU nations.
Although his practice is primarily “transactional” in nature, David has defended his clients in various litigation matters, including civil suits and regulator matters (FDA, FTC, SEC, and numerous State Attorney General offices).
We hope to see you there!
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