Shark Tank’s Alex Rodriguez Funds CSUF Alumni-Founded Nui, Creator of Keto Cookies


Congratulations to Victor Macias ’09 and Kristofer Quiaoit, the founders of reduced sugar keto cookie maker Nui, for receiving funding from Alex Rodriguez on Shark Tank last night!!! In total, they received $300,000 of funding from the entrepreneurial baseball great to help them grow Nui even faster than they already are.

Not only does this investment help Victor and Kristofer to increase production and branch out to different distribution channels but by virtue of their appearing on Shark Tank they are already getting a bump in sales. This is a great time for Nui and represents an inflection point in their already increasing sales trajectory that we are hoping they will be able to maintain.

Here are some of the fantastic social media posts about Nui and its founders that we think you should see.

SHARK TANK – entrepreneurs from Anaheim, California, present their healthy alternative treat to sweets that capitalizes on the ketogenic diet trend, on “Shark Tank,” SUNDAY, NOV. 25 (9:00-10:01 p.m. EST), on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Mitch Haaseth)

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Here they guys are right before their lives were changed by the Shark Tank!

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A post shared by Nui Cookies • Low Carb & Keto (@eatnui)

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And here’s a fun one by Kristofer and Victor about what happens to someone after eating their cookies only for seven days!

For more information about the entrepreneurial education that Victor received while a Cal State Fullerton student, make sure to attend one of our upcoming events or even join the CSUF Startup Incubator to learn firsthand how to take your business idea from concept to launch!

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