Finals Recap – CSUF Titan Fast Pitch 2021
The masks were on. The distances were social. The pitches were still amazing! CSUF Titan Fast Pitch 2021 was a great success! As covid and our understanding of it continues to evolve, so does the way we teach the next generation of entrepreneurs. Until 2020, Titan Fast Pitch was an in-person competition, In 2020, Titan…
Management 540 Trains CSUF MBAs for the Real World
Before the start of every semester, students begin the process of picking and choosing their classes. Almost all of these classes have students reading textbooks and taking exams but there is one class that is designed to give MBA students an immersive experience by having them put to practice what they learn with a real…
CSUF Business Plan Competition Boot Camp
The CSUF Business Plan Competition is back on for 2016! If you are unfamiliar with the competition we are going to be hosting a Boot Camp (a.k.a. Information Session) to help you get up to speed. Here are the details: Wednesday, January 20 1pm to 3pm Mihaylo College SGMH 1108 This is the only Boot…
CSUF Students Help Companies Develop Better Leadership Practices
In the Leadership and Human Resources Student Consulting Program, our goal is to understand the client’s business and then use that understanding along with an objective lens to help address the leadership and HR challenges the client is facing. It is our goal to hear from the client that the student consulting team’s recommendations were…
Entrepreneurship needs Hackers, Hipsters and Hustlers
Every startup needs three kinds of people: hipsters, hackers and hustlers. While I can’t take credit for this insight (a former student and current entrepreneur told it to me), I completely agree. Hackers are the folks who can code, or more generally, the folks who can create a product (the engineers and scientists). Hipsters are…
Entrepreneurship Lessons from Pirate Joe's
Trader Joe’s has a large and loyal following. (I’m one of them.) But they only have stores in the United States. Michael Hallatt lived in Vancouver, Canada, and got tired of having to cross the border to get his favorite grocery products. Thinking like an entrepreneur, he decided to start buying products from Trader Joe’s…
CSUF Entrepreneurship alumna opens business in Australia
After many months of traveling, I found myself in Cairns, Australia. To find a way of truly embracing this place and meeting as many people as possible, I tapped into my entrepreneurial spirit and started a coffee stand at a local farmers market. Rusty’s Farmers Market is centrally located in the heart of Cairns City.…
Focus on Finding Customers
When starting out, the most important thing for entrepreneurs to remember is that the goal is to offer a product or service that solves a pressing problem or need for customers. Don’t get too attached to your initial ideas. Rather let input from prospective and actual customers guide the decision as to what products or…
Pop-up Stores: The Perfect MVP
An important milestone when attempting to start a new business is to create something that can be sold (or at least offered) to customers. The goal is to get something in the hands of your customers quickly and then continue to refine the product or service based on their feedback. In lean startup lingo, this…