Tag: Michael Sawitz

  • Sigma Upsilon Mu's 8 Hour Business Challenge at Cal State Fullerton

    Sigma Upsilon Mu is the most active student group dedicated to entrepreneurship on the Cal State Fullerton campus and just a few days ago they held a great competition called the 8 Hour Business Challenge. This competition was open to university students from all across the area and required an amazing amount of work from…

  • Hunan University visits CSUF and FastStart.studio

    A delegation of MBA students from Hunan University visited CSUF a couple of weeks ago. John Bradley Jackson, the Director for the Center for Entrepreneurship and a Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Cal State Fullerton, delivered a seminar to our visitors focusing on the state of entrepreneurship in America, California and in Orange County…

  • Mihaylo Magazine Fall 2013 – FastStart.studio and Bolzmann

    As many of you know, this semester we are running a pilot Student-led Business Consulting program in our Management 461 class (Entrepreneurial Management) in conjunction with FastStart.studio, a business incubator. Six of FastStart.studio’s resident companies are our clients this semester and the early results are great. They are doing so good, in fact, that this…

  • Management 461 – Fall Semester 2013

      The people who take Management 461 (Entrepreneurial Management) are entrepreneurs or, at the very least, people who are or will become leaders in the professional world. If you’re a CSUF student and are reading this then you are probably our target audience: LEADERS. What is special about the Fall 2013 semester of Management 461…

  • Cal State Fullerton Management 461 | Fall 2013

    For the fall 2013 semester, the Entrepreneurial Management course (MGMT 461) will be featuring a new experimental version built around the theory and practices associated with “lean startup” – the hottest new domain in entrepreneurship. Lean Startup emphasizes experimentation, customer feedback and iterative design over formal planning. In MGMT 461, you will learn “lean startup”…