
Category: Financing Your Business

  • How To Launch Your Startup Idea – CSUF Startup Incubator Seminar

    How To Launch Your Startup Idea – CSUF Startup Incubator Seminar

    The CSUF Startup Incubator welcomed in Alexis Bedoret in to host a seminar that focused on the number one job of an entrepreneur. Alexis spent the last 10 years building startups with expertise in Software, Hardware and the Internet of Things. With his co-founders, they created a Startup Studio to invest in startups. They learned…

  • Beckham Thomas, Principal at Culver Pacific Capital Partners @ CSUF Startup

    Beckham Thomas, Principal at Culver Pacific Capital Partners @ CSUF Startup

    It’s not every day that you get the opportunity to sit down and have a discussion with a partner at an investment firm but that is exactly what is going to happen at tomorrow’s CSUF Startup event! (Register now!!!) With us, we will have Beckham Thomas, Principal at Culver Pacific Capital Partners, in to discuss…

  • 2019 Investor Speed Dating – TCVN Event on March 21

    2019 Investor Speed Dating – TCVN Event on March 21

    Lots of people have great ideas and have the skills to make that concept a reality but, for some entrepreneurs, there is a real need to connect with investors in order to bring their concept to fruition. When those entrepreneurs know investors already then that’s great but what can they do if they do not…

  • The Cold, Hard Facts about Startup Funding

    The Cold, Hard Facts about Startup Funding

    Yesterday at the CSUF Startup Incubator (Irvine) we were honored to have David Ochi give a talk about startup funding. As you may know, or at least have suspicions about, funding a startup is, despite the successes seen on TV shows like Shark Tank, no easy task but after David’s talk yesterday it’s pretty obvious…

  • Landing the Big Check: Secrets to funding from an Entrepreneur & Investor

    Landing the Big Check: Secrets to funding from an Entrepreneur & Investor

    Join us for lunch on Wednesday, January 9 at the CSUF Startup Incubator in Irvine and get to listen to David Ochi discuss his proven process for landing startup funding. Please register here, details for the event are as follows.

  • Startup Funding Option: Family and Friends

    I am sitting here watching a great presentation by startup expert Jim Cooper, co-founder of Braid Theory, and he is talking about funding. It’s a complicated subject, or at least it can get that way, but I think one of the main complications is that people make it more complicated than it needs to be.…

  • Event Reminder: How to Fund your Startup

    Just a friendly reminder that we will be hosting an event with startup expert Jim Cooper tomorrow evening at 6pm where he will discuss some of the innovative funding sources that most entrepreneurs know nothing about. Make sure to register by clicking this link. Here is some information about the event: As an entrepreneur, there…

  • How to Fund your Startup @ CSUF Startup Incubator

    You have a great idea but you need some funds to make it happen. What do you do? [First step, attend this talk at the CSUF Irvine campus this Wednesday, August 2 at 6pm; register here.] As an entrepreneur, there are many options for funding all with clear pluses and minuses. Our speaker, Jim Cooper…

  • How I Raised $7.5M – This Wednesday at CSUF Startup Incubator

    There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to raising money for a startup and that’s understandable since the vast majority of entrepreneurs never end up raising a dollar from anyone outside of their close network of family and friends. Companies that receive Angel money are rare and the universe of companies that receive…

  • CSUF Entrepreneur Director John Bradley Jackson to Give Talk to OC Financial Society

    On Thursday, February 16 Director John Bradley Jackson will be giving a talk at a luncheon for the OC Financial Society. Details are here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ocfs-february-2017-luncheon-invitation-registration-tickets-21190739071 Director Jackson will focus on the intersection of finance and entrepreneurship. He recently gave a talk similar to the one planned for the OC Financial Society luncheon going into detail…